
On air: Anything wrong with this dress?

Here’s a video of Brazilian student being escorted off her uni campus (she’s since been re-instated). (If you’re so inclined, CNN has an interview which gives some alternative angles.) It’s been top of most viewed and read lists in South America for a week, and is now spreading further online.

And here are some of the issues it’s raising for you…

Was the university right to object to her dress?

Should women dress more modestly when at work or university? In fact, does the same apply to men as well?

Are any restrictions on clothing at university contrary to the spirit of education?

is the part of a broader problem where ‘sexy’ clothing is worn far too often?

And what do you make of so many 100s of students encouraging the authorities to get her off campus?

Brazil’s Minister for Women’s Rights called the action against the student “total intolerance and discrimination”. There were some protests on campus supporting Geisy – but also some against her (this report shows both).

167 Responses to “On air: Anything wrong with this dress?”

  1. 1 Bob in Queensland
    November 11, 2009 at 12:30

    Isn’t it ironic that this is Brazil, land of skimpy bikinis on the beach and scantily-clad samba schools?

    • 2 Gabriel Sey
      November 11, 2009 at 19:40

      I am a man and I go to Uni In the States, I was however born in Ghana West Africa,

      What I believe is this, I am a man that seeks to honour and respect women by not letting my sexual desires overcome me. I am able to control myself, but that is because most of the time when I see girls dressed in such a manor I often try not to look.

      I am not saying that women are to blame and should not be threatened, but I do believe that it does not help, it does not help. I try not to lust after women, because I have the utmost respect for them.

      However, the idea that women do not have a responsibility in how they dress is nonsense I choose not to look, but it is quite hard sometimes. Some clothing entices sexual desires, and to say that is not the case is to be naive, because that was the intent of the dressing.

      Women honour yourselves because there are men who seek to honour and respect you.

  2. 4 patti in cape coral
    November 11, 2009 at 13:46

    Bob in Queensland – I was thinking the same thing. The dress didn’t look that skimpy to me, I’ve seen worse.

  3. 5 scmehta
    November 11, 2009 at 13:57

    No, nothing wrong; except that it was wrongly tailored.

  4. 6 Dennis Junior
    November 11, 2009 at 14:36

    I have nothing wrong with this dress…

    =Dennis Junior=

    • 7 Dennis Junior
      November 11, 2009 at 16:09

      *I am experiencing a bad case of vertigo*

      To revised and reinstate my comments; I see nothing wrong with
      the dress…And, I am hopeful that the school reinstated her quickly.

      =Dennis Junior=

  5. 8 Rod Sánchez (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
    November 11, 2009 at 14:44

    Maybe her dress was inappropriate, but the student’s reaction was even worse, they acted like animals. Uniban also reuined its reputation.

  6. 9 gary
    November 11, 2009 at 14:57

    I do not know from which University College Ms. Arruda was dismissed; but dress or any other behavior that hinders reaching an educational objective is objectionable. This isn’t a moral or individual rights issue. The classroom instructional contact is a contractual obligation for both students and Professors. The one cannot be allowed to corrupt the process for the many.

  7. November 11, 2009 at 15:33

    We are obsessed with clothing aren’t we… I’ll be happier when people can freely walk around in a burqa, ‘gender inappropriate’ clothing, nothing at all or anything in-between, and nobody would care any more that we’d care about someone in jeans and a t-shirt (or whatever is commonplace where you live).

    Only judging by the few seconds in that video clip, I’d say the behaviour of the other students was utterly despicable. Perhaps an unfair judgement based on a few seconds on grainy video in a language I don’t understand.

  8. November 11, 2009 at 15:39

    Actually a dress should fit the setting. Now women are free to be half naked in public as well as wearing revealing underwear in beaches, swimming pools and the like.

    A dress, however, shouldn’t be a source of distraction, especially in an area of learning. Students can go mad after courses in discos and the like, but they should keep the minimum of a respectable look for their self-respect and respect of the others. After all, it’s not fun to be called names in public unless one is totally indifferent and there are justifiable reasons to act in a certain way.

  9. 12 Mike in Seattle
    November 11, 2009 at 15:49

    This whole story is ridiculous. There is nothing wrong with the dress, and to single this student out in such a public fashion serves only to embarrass and shame simply because of how she looks.

    I simply don’t buy this “it was TOO DISTRACTING” excuse either. If you cannot physically or mentally focus on a college lecture simply because there is a pretty girl 18 rows down and to the left in a lecture hall, the problem is with you, not her.

  10. 13 Roy, Washington DC
    November 11, 2009 at 15:51

    This reaction would perhaps be expected in a deeply conservative society like one would find in the Middle East, but Brazil is neither a theocracy nor in the Middle East. As long as the student isn’t doing something absurd like wearing swimwear to class, who cares what she wears?

  11. 14 jens
    November 11, 2009 at 15:55

    i have not seen the dress nor the video. however, i personally find it rather strange how cheap and ‘sluty’ fashion has become. there was a time when elegance and style was a lot more important and actually sexy, than dresses which leave little to immagination, with cleavages so deep one can count the pubic hair of the person wearing it.

  12. 15 Grahame Shadbolt
    November 11, 2009 at 16:13

    This girls attire is harmless and celebrates a taste in colourful, youthful and exciting fashion. I do not find exhibition of the female shape offensive, I have a great admiration for it. I do find covering up, eg hoodies and burqas very sinister and yes! – offensive.

  13. 16 Plasticised Barbies
    November 11, 2009 at 16:19

    Maybe, it was a backlash against ‘raising the bar’ for all woman. A form of collective revenge for the need to go ‘Brazilian’ with all the attendant insecurities of being perfect attached to it.

    Or, maybe they want to punish her for trying to draw attention.

  14. November 11, 2009 at 16:21

    Uh… the girls in the tertiary institutes of my country wear just really short shorts and undersized tank tops most of the time…

  15. November 11, 2009 at 16:24

    Has the dress also been re-instated,if so,then it could not have been so shocking,could it?

    • 19 Mike in Seattle
      November 11, 2009 at 16:41

      Exactly. The fact that the woman in question was reinstated only proves what a useless and harmful exercise this whole situation was. If what she did was truly harmful, she wouldn’t be attending her classes.

      Why do people think it’s ok to apply such strict and arbitrary standards to women? It really feels like simple misogyny to me.

  16. 20 steve
    November 11, 2009 at 16:31

    Surely this cannot be worthy of an entire show!

  17. 22 María, Buenos Aires
    November 11, 2009 at 16:33

    Latin American women, mostly Brazilians, have always dressed like this, is a cultural matter.
    Maybe that dress was quite inapropiate for university, but the macho-selvatic reaction is the problem here. What leads us to think that a woman is dressed too provocative?? I think is our chauvinist view of the Society. Men should be measured with the same rules!
    Expelling that girl is an uncovered way of discrimination…it means returning to an era when women were objects without freedom. We’re Latin American, we’re not conservative with clothes! We’re supposed to be sensual and colorful!
    She chose to wear that red dress wanting to be seductive, for that I’m sure, I’m a woman too! But men should control their reactions and stop blaming us for their cavemen attitude! That is macho thinking…

  18. 23 Venessa
    November 11, 2009 at 16:40

    This is a joke. Where do you draw the line if someone can’t wear a short dress? I’ve seen far worse clothing people wear in their daily lives. People should be able to dress as they please. Personal tastes in fashion are no one’s business.

  19. November 11, 2009 at 16:43

    There is more going on here than the dress (very modest on top and very short but shaped to show nothing on the bottom). Back in my college days (late ’60’s early ’70’s) I myself (a conservative dresser by nature) wore skirts that short (also worn so as to expose nothing below). I think Brazilian officials (university and government) ought to do some serious digging to understand what such an overblown response to this dress indicates about the social climate of Brazil.

  20. 25 Dennis Junior
    November 11, 2009 at 16:48

    Was the university right to object to her dress? (Yes)

    Should women dress more modestly when at work or university? (Yes)

    In fact, does the same apply to men as well? (Yes)

    ~People should in accordance to the properness of the culture they are in…Work wear work clothes and, at non-work activities then where whatever you want…~


    =Dennis Junior=

  21. 26 rob z.
    November 11, 2009 at 16:49

    Brazil is being a media whore,at the moment,to draw attention to it self;in preparation for the olympics.
    Millions lost power,conviently yesterday in Brazil also.
    Like a horrible reality show.

  22. 27 Mandie in Cape Coral
    November 11, 2009 at 16:49

    the grander problem is not the dress, nor is it the girl who wore it for attention (which is what she is getting), it’s the reaction of others, men and women alike. Sometimes you just need to turn your head and ignore such out cries for attention. But, as soon as one started, they all started. There’s something just not right about this. As stated above, this is a nation where sex and female forms are common place, so why this? Besides, she looked like she woke up somewhere after a night out and remembered she had class!

  23. 28 Belinda
    November 11, 2009 at 16:50

    I’m wondering about the rigor of this university if something so inconsequential caused such a row. My daughter is in university and I’ve seen far worse just in the fleeting times I am on her campus. I agree with several other posters about the dress itself. After all, university should be an environment for learning of all types, but especially about oneself. Learning means that one won’t get it perfect every time. I’m dismayed at the reaction of other students and the university administration in calling the authorities – demonstrates an extreme intolerance to mistakes in judgement and an unwillingness to engage in constructive feedback. What did these students learn about handling difficult and uncomfortable situations from this event? Nothing positive from my point of view. Shame on the university’s administration for turning a teachable moment into an international headline of intolerance!!

  24. 29 Tamatoa, Zurich
    November 11, 2009 at 16:51

    The irony pointed out by Bob from Queensland makes sense. The dress code in Brazil seems to be extrem/very liberal. Difference of opinion are always most likely to manifest in such places and that’s what that incident was. A latent problem that hasn’t been publicly addressed yet usually comes to the surface by a scandal like this. The reaction is usually out of proportion because nobody has been confronted with the problem yet.
    I don’t know a solution to this problem. Society has to renegotiate after we just discovered that there seems to be a minimal requirement of skirt length. We should gather information from tradtiion, anthropology, religion, sociology, medecine, design, fashion and other sciences, compare the results and then try to find a new norm.
    At the moment I wouldn’t do anything about that woman. She’s not entirely innocent but was mainly in the wrong place at the wrong time.

  25. November 11, 2009 at 17:00

    well, it depends on who is wearing it really. I think this lady is a little thick to be wearing a dress like that. But to each his/ her own. I have an idea, why not have another show on style and feminism. When what the last time WHYS addressed these critical issues?

    Instead of asking if the dress is alright, why not ask what environment lead to this chick feeling she needed to wear it to get attention? Answer that question and resolve sooo many more social problems.

  26. 31 Tony from Singapura
    November 11, 2009 at 17:01

    Grooooaaaaann, looks like another slow news day.

    My learned advice is to auction the dress, use the money to pay for the fees at a better university.

    That will be 2 cents please

  27. 32 Colin Sundaram
    November 11, 2009 at 17:02

    11. 11. 09

    She is a stunner. There is nothing wrong with her clothing. When similar dress is allowed in all other places why on earth do the University officials and a few male students object to it? They are anti-women. They must appreciate a female’s right to dress the way she likes. It is her inalienable human right. Nobody should stop her. Look at Hillary Clinton dresses – that’s objectionable in certain countries i.e. Middle East, Indonesia, India etc. Please look at the way Sonia Gandhi (Soniaji for Indian Congress Party members) dresses. I wish all the girls/women in the world dressed like her!

  28. November 11, 2009 at 17:03

    Adding on to my first comment, the lady students mainly wear that way because of our climate, and perhaps to attract some attention for themselves.

    I guess the guys enjoy the eye candy while it is still the “in” thing to dress that way.

  29. 34 brinda
    November 11, 2009 at 17:11

    again, what was soo wrong with that dress !!!!! funny that there was such a reaction from the Brazilian crowd!!!! of students!!!!

    if the reaction was from a conservative country(when it comes to clothing) like India then yes the attention would have been worth it,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but come on,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  30. November 11, 2009 at 17:14

    I am a final year medical student at Baghdad Medical School, and as a young female I often have to prove myself to some male senior doctor who finds it really hard to believe that women do actually have organs called brains inside their skulls, and this Brazilian college student now comes just to confirm the idiotic stereotype, so kudos to her from the bottom of my heart… With my love… Yours forever, Lubna in Baghdad…

    • 36 patti in cape coral
      November 11, 2009 at 17:54

      Hi Lubna,

      I am assuming you dress modestly, so I guess some guys think women are brainless whether they are wearing a string bikini or covered from head to toe. I would be curious to know what this student’s grades are to see if the pink dress means she is brainless.

  31. 37 jens
    November 11, 2009 at 17:20

    this is a matter of style and class. i personaly find it objectionable that we as a society are becoming cheaper and raunchier year by year. heck i appreciate a gorgeouse woman as much as the next guy, but it is also a matter of how the package is wrapped. if the wrapping is cheap and leaves not much to the imagination then it is poorly wrapped and i personally would actually prefer no wrapping, since this is au naturel. conversely, a stylish dress can emphasis looks and sex appeal infinitly more than shorts that almost crawl up the bottom and a skimpy trashy t-shirt.

    it is time to bring back class ans style.

  32. November 11, 2009 at 17:26

    Concerning universities, there are many female students who complain about sexual harassment from both male teachers and students. For a female student to come to university wearing revealing clothes is an invitation to trouble from those who see her as a mere body.

    Considering the majority of students in a university are still teenagers or in the middle of their twenties, university will become a place for partying as the focus will be on how sexy each one looks and not how studious.

    There is also the question if students can dress in a very sexy way, does this mean the university authority shouldn’t have any control on how sexually they can behave towards another. It all seems question of stimulus and response. In some cases, it becomes difficult to control one’s instinct if there is enough stimulus to be an aggressor or a victim.

    If clothes have no symbolism, then we should do away with uniforms that reveal a job and a policewoman, for example, can wear mini skirts on duty.

    • 39 Mike in Seattle
      November 11, 2009 at 17:57

      I’m sorry, but it’s not the victim’s fault that the university authorities can’t keep their hands and comments to themselves.

      It’s called “self control”.

  33. November 11, 2009 at 17:29

    This is evidently a storm in a tea-cup. The student could have been told quietly by the college authorities that her dress code was not appropriate in a centre of learning. Banning her from college was an extreme step considering that in Brazil the dress code is extremely liberal.

  34. 41 Franziska in Berlin
    November 11, 2009 at 17:32

    I think this issue goes far deeper than whether or not sexy clothing is acceptable or not. The question one should ask is why these women want to wear those clothes. Some do it intentionally to provoke attention, some claim to do it just for themselves. I personally have a hard time believing that in a different society, a utopian one, without millennia of male domination, a woman would choose to wear clothes like this. Like it or not, even if it seems like an act of free will, our actions are still influenced by our male dominated society.

  35. 42 Eileen in Virginia
    November 11, 2009 at 17:34

    I can’t believe the authorities were so judgemental.
    The student just got slightly more attention than she was seeking.
    I’m not shocked or sorry or even interested.
    I can’t believe the BBC and the world media is wasting time and resources on this.

    November 11, 2009 at 17:44

    A student who manages to get to a university need to be sensible enough to differentiate how different environments may react to looks. Passing of exams means one is clever but its good to be wise enough to avoid making a spectacle oneself. I am not part of those who belive that everything is okay; whatever you like. This applies to men and women.
    What is so special in a university that makes it free of responsibility on looks of their citizens that represent their values? Sorry for those who cannot tell the differences in the bathroom, the dining table, the harem (where they still exist) and the singles bar. Right. Its good for students to step in where the lecturers can’t. The majority are not always wrong and this lady may need to revise her script of behaviour.

  37. 44 Tom in the USA
    November 11, 2009 at 17:53

    Maybe the color of the dress was the source of the concern?

  38. 45 Linda from Italy
    November 11, 2009 at 17:58

    A dress code at uni??? Ridiculous!
    Yes university is a place to learn, and learning means experimenting, expanding your horizons, usually with a little chemical assistance, and above all being free to do your thing, as long as you hand in your assignments on time that is 😉
    I’ve been an undergrad student twice, the first time in 1969, and the second 1994-98 and the point about being with all these people learning new things is that you should be casting off your prejudices and certainly this sort of sexism and fashion-victimism (wow – have just invented a new –ism) should have no place, in fact if someone wanted to walk around stark naked that shouldn’t bother anyone.
    My experience, in the UK at least, was that it was definitely not the “done thing” to dress up like a dog’s dinner, other than at parties of course, but if some girlies or chaps wanted to do that, well good luck to them.

  39. 46 Linda from Italy
    November 11, 2009 at 18:09

    Dress codes at work are a bit different as that depends on the job you are doing. If you are working with the public who have certain expectations of you as a professional in a certain field, that means you have to project a certain image in order to be taken seriously in the first place. If you have any sense and want to get on you just knuckle down to those conventions. That in itself is not a huge problem many of those conventions change over time. When I first qualified in a paramedical profession in 1975 and also had a management role, I dressed rather older than my age, even rather frumpily to be accepted in both those roles as a) young and b) a woman. By the time I had a career change in 1989 two things had happened: firstly women then outnumbered men in that profession so your gender had become irrelevant and b) dress codes had become much relaxed in all workplaces, so I finally found I was able to wear more or less the same clothes as I did “off duty”.
    Having said all that, no one has the right to impose dress codes on other people, certainly not men on women.

    • 47 Ross
      December 18, 2009 at 14:47

      Linda I agree with you men do not have the right to tell women what they should wear – do you think if men are aroused at work by womens sexy attire that its the mens problem and that its womens right to do so? do you think that showing cleavage at work is okay even if it distracts men from their work


  40. 48 Emmanuel Coleman, Accra
    November 11, 2009 at 18:20

    If you want to classify countries in which its citizens dress inappropriately, Brazil will be in the top three-worse and worse off than Geisy’s. But even if I can’t see-it-judge because i wasn’t there in reality, driving her out of campus like a theif isn’t sounding calmly at all. This is discriminative and completely unacceptable.

  41. 49 Bert
    November 11, 2009 at 18:22

    Wow. What a rukus over nothing. The dress was hardly unusual in its shortness, from what I could tell from the low quality video.

    But to all of the defensive women who complained that men should also have to follow the same rules, don’t they? Were there any guys in the crowd wearing ultra-short kilts? Or no shirts? Not that the image in my mind is the least bit appealing, and somehow I doubt that even women would appreciate such a display.

    The other point I’d like to make is, what does the term “provocative clothing” mean to women? When women wear provocative clothes, do they understand WHAT they are “provoking?” Sometimes I think they do not. Which is why women seem so offended, and even surprised, when the guys around them are duly “provoked.”

    (Or at least, that’s the way their rhetoric sounds. Honestly, I find them disingenuous when they express themselves this way.)

  42. 50 Elias
    November 11, 2009 at 18:24

    How a woman dresses is entirely up to her, as long as she is dressed and not naked attending school or anywhere else.

  43. 51 Dora
    November 11, 2009 at 18:41

    and again the same arguements; if she wears that then she deserves men to leer at her,
    if she wears that then she should not be considered intelligent or taken seriously.
    if she wears that then her sexuality might distract other (presumably male) students which of course is again her fault.
    I am so bored and tired of this discussion, with people attributing the appalling behavour (of most often men) to what women do or don’t do, wear or don’t wear.
    I would much prefer that the same amount of energy that is spent constantly critisising women and putting them down was spent in trying to correct the judgemental, oppressive, uncharitable and moralistic diatribe to which we seem to be constantly subjected.
    I want a programme about what men wear…..actually no I don’t, I would like discussions that are about bigger things than the triviality that is clothing (or lack of it)

  44. 52 Miriam Hyde
    November 11, 2009 at 18:43

    The video didn’t show enough of the dress to tell anything!

    My only problem is that she’s attending a PRIVATE school. if the school has a dress code, and she’s chosen to go there, then she should abide by that code.

    I’m not a prude, now or when I was her age. But, there is “sense and sensibility”. From what I could see, it looked more a nightclub dress than one meant to sit in a chair and learn. There are times and places for certain types of dress. I don’t think the dress was really outrageous, but could see it could be distracting for others.

    Boy, it ticks me off when people purposely do things then cry that they are victims.

    If she’s really concerned about the dress code, then do what we did in the late 60’s/early 70’s. Get the dress code changed! We had to pay the price – suspensions, etc – but we didn’t cry about it. We gathered signatures and compromised so that certain types of clothing were excluded. But, we got what we wanted – the ability to wear jeans!

    With everything that has happened in the world in the last two weeks, that this made the news? GROW UP, PEOPLE!!

  45. November 11, 2009 at 18:44

    Salaam Patti,
    Well, as I said earlier it is a stereotype, and such idiotic and irresponsible behaviour comes just to confirm it and prove it, to some people at least… I mean I can already hear some males saying “La blah blah blah blah, and to prove my point, did you hear that story of the college girl with the pink dress ?!” ;);)… There’s a huge difference between a university and a night club, it’s as simple as that… With my love… Yours forever, Lubna in Baghdad…

    • 54 Mike in Seattle
      November 11, 2009 at 19:03

      The problem isn’t a woman living a warm climate wearing a short dress, the problem is with the men you work and study with. Blame them for their ignorance, not a woman who shouldn’t have to deal with this crazy double standard.

  46. 55 sascha
    November 11, 2009 at 18:51

    From the meaningful thoughtfulness of yesterdays topic, to the absolute frivolous, unnoteworthy & nonsensical waste of resources.
    Is this the correct use we want to give such a powerful tool we are lucky enough to have at our fingertips?

  47. 56 Tim Deene
    November 11, 2009 at 18:55

    Does the punishment fit the crime, that is, in dressing in a manner causing unwanted attention upon perpetrator..

    Frankly, she’s lucky to be in Brazil and not someplace where she would be denounced with a stone to the face.

  48. 57 John in Salem
    November 11, 2009 at 18:57

    I’m suspicious of the overreaction. What preceded this? Has there been a temperance campaign going on? Did she respond to a comment in an insulting way? Was this really spontaneous or was it orchestrated?

    I think it looks great on her. I know someone who wears one just like it every Friday night and it gets him a lot of attention, too.

  49. 58 Bob in Queensland
    November 11, 2009 at 18:59

    …or “Bob in the WHYS Studio” to be precise…

    As I said, ironic that this story should come from Brazil where skimpy clothing is pretty common.

    However, surely much of this must come down to whether the university has a published dress code–and also to the over-the-top reaction by the crowd.

  50. 59 Bruce - Texas
    November 11, 2009 at 19:07

    Since when does Brazil care about modesty? This is just ridiculous.

  51. 60 steve
    November 11, 2009 at 19:10

    Is this a public or private school? If private, you have to abide by the rules. It’s part of life. If you have a job, they’ll likely have a dress code. At my work, they would explicitly prohibit dressing like that, as employees aren’t supposed to look like street walkers. It would look bad. And men are expected to dress even more conservatively than women do. Women can wear pants, skirts, dresses, and men basically have to wear slacks and a collared shirt…

    I’ve had jobs where men had to wear a shirt and tie, and women could wear ANYTHING, even shorts, to work..

  52. 61 Lauren Marie Fleming
    November 11, 2009 at 19:14

    What I want to know is why the school is punishing her for her dress, but not punishing those who heckled her? As a law student, I understand the need to dress professionally at school, but the angry mob mentality should not be accepted. The school and its supporters saying she lacks morality because of a short dress is encouraging the mentality used to punish women for their sexuality throughout the world.

    Why are we discussing her dress and not the obvious sexism in all of this?

  53. 62 Bob in Queensland
    November 11, 2009 at 19:14

    For those saying the dress was inappropriate….I’m curious just how unusual it was in a Brazilian context. I live in a university city in Australia and there the clothing would barely attract a second glance.

  54. November 11, 2009 at 19:16

    What the hell is wrong with these people? Don’t they have bigger national concerns than the length of a girl’s skirt? And it wasn’t even that short!

    Personally, I think she should be arrested for that hideous color, not the length. 😛

  55. 64 Bert
    November 11, 2009 at 19:16

    I am in total agreement with everything your Brasilian student guest in London is saying. Including the bit about the guys just getting into the moment, watching the girl being escorted out.

  56. 65 Jamie
    November 11, 2009 at 19:17

    From America. Had this been a religious school I could understand but if it is a public university then I do not see the problem. I think there are more important issues you could be discussing today.

  57. 66 Justine Collins
    November 11, 2009 at 19:18

    I’m sorry, but I find this incredibly ridiculous. She had a short dress on, it’s not like she was naked. And honestly, aren’t women allowed to wear what they would like? I’m also finding the comments of other listeners to be deeply disturbing. Some of these comments seem to indicate that women are responsible for other peoples reactions. Well, if she had been raped, would she have been “asking” for it? This is blaming the problem on the woman, not the actions of the people around her. I totally agree with the lady from Portland, Oregon.

    Justine (from Portland, Oregon)

  58. November 11, 2009 at 19:19

    This is college. Give me a break. There are kids, here, in America, who will wear pj’s to a really early class. This is 2009, right? How you dress in college is none of your business. They pay their way. Worry about the grades. keep your nose out of her wardrobe because you can believe if a male went in with tight shorts and a wife beater shirt, nothing would be said. GROW UP!!!!!!
    Again, it’s college, not a CEO’s board room.

    • 68 patti in cape coral
      November 11, 2009 at 19:43

      Absolutely spot on, Joanne. I have gone to visit my daughter at college, and when we go to breakfast at the cafeteria half the students are in pjs. From all the uproar, I expected her to be half-naked, but it is actually fairly modest and covers the essentials completely.

  59. 69 Deana Heath
    November 11, 2009 at 19:19

    This story is unbelievable – there’s nothing immodest in this poor young girl’s dress. I’ve seen women in bikinis on college campuses in California. I think the question should be what on earth is going on in Brazil? What on earth does this horrid incident reveals about gender equality there?

  60. 71 Brent S
    November 11, 2009 at 19:19

    I don’t think the world has a place in judging whether wearing the dress was ok or not. I think that is an issue of social norms. However, I do think the world at large should have a say when basic human rights are compromised. The level of taunting and the comments that were made compromised human rights and we deserve to have an opinion on that

  61. 72 Anthony
    November 11, 2009 at 19:20

    @ woman talking about slut-shaming

    I should be free to wear whatever I want to, but I’m NOT going to role through Compton with a “Brown Pride” hat and a Mexican flag on my shirt, nor would anyone else. This woman is living in LA LA Land.

    -Anthony, LA, CA

  62. 73 Mathew
    November 11, 2009 at 19:20

    Women and men should dress properly. I would not want my sisters or nieces should go around in immodest dress. She could wear it in her bedroom; not in public. If each one sets her/his own standard in public, then the proponents of nudity will come out showing their “standard.”

  63. 74 Mike in Seattle
    November 11, 2009 at 19:23

    You know, I keep hearing about how “real ladies” know how to act and dress “with class and sensibility”.

    Oddly enough, I haven’t heard a thing about how gentleman shouldn’t leer at women, make derogatory comments about their clothing, or threaten them with sexual violence.

  64. 75 Leslie
    November 11, 2009 at 19:24

    Oh please, another woman is arguing that only very few men can control their urges! This is ridiculous, and offensive to men. Just because a woman is attractive or wears revealing clothing, that does NOT give men the right to threaten or attack that woman. EVERYONE can control their urges, if they bother to try. Don’t give these pathetic men an excuse to abuse women! The idea that men should be allowed to rape (or threaten to rape) a woman because she’s wearing a mini-dress is absolutely outrageous and I can’t believe anyone, especially women, could defend this behavior.

    • 76 jappling
      November 11, 2009 at 19:49

      It was wrong for the students to call her names, and I in no way condone blaming the young woman for how she was treated. The school, however, would have the right to enforce a dress code. College isn’t just about learning to be yourself, it’s also about learning to be a professional. Grammar instructors correct students who try to write informally (use text speak), so informal dress which is not professional falls under that same jurisdiction.

      Just as colleges can determine their writing style code, they can determine their dress code.

    • 77 Leslie
      November 11, 2009 at 20:40

      Yes, colleges should determine their own dress code, and students should abide by that code. I do not know if there is a dress code at this school or what it includes if there is one, but expelling a student in such a public fashion – bringing in police to escort her out, while ignoring the abusive mob heckling her – is completely unacceptable. The “professional” response to a breach of dress code should be to quiety reprimand the student and send her home to change. If this sort of reaction occured in a professional situation, like an office, the woman would be reprimanded, PRIVATELY, by her superior, and the lynch mob would have been arrested. There are laws to prevent this sort of thing in the work-place in most countries.

      I do not condone the college’s right to have a dress code, but I do not think it is appropriate, or professional, to create this kind of situation or to allow it to happen on campus. By expelling her so publicly and condoning violence against women, the college gave up all credibility as a professional organization.

  65. 78 Mathew
    November 11, 2009 at 19:25

    While I disagree with her dress pattern, I equally disagree with those youth chanting to rape her, which was unacceptable. You do not rape or lynch her. I think the people who threatened to rape her are more immoral and out of the way that her dress pattern. Come on, bring in some civility.

  66. 79 Madelyn
    November 11, 2009 at 19:26

    “Appropriate” is subjective. The assumption that this young woman wore the dress for this kind of attention is ridiculous. The security and hecklers should be ashamed for inferring in the dress their own prurient readings; they show themselves to be the ones with dirty minds and ugly thoughts.

    Dress and style will always be used for a myriad of statements. An individual may think they look great, while others think they look terrible, for any number of reasons. Muumuus, kilts, work boots, braces, hoodies, low-riding pants, visible thong underwear, head scarves, mini skirts, maxi skirts, shaved heads, mohicans, suits and ties, breeches, long trousers… over the course of history, across cultures, these items of clothing and style have sent various messages and been considered appropriate and inappropriate.

    Don’t assume, when you dress “conservatively”, that the rest of us think you look “great” or are sending a great message. We may well be thinking negative things about you, too.

  67. 80 perry
    November 11, 2009 at 19:27

    If, like our fellow animals, we wore no clothes, we wouldn’t have these problems.

  68. 81 Tom K in Mpls
    November 11, 2009 at 19:27

    There is no possible practical debate on this one. Maybe you could focus on religion, crowd behavior or the practical application of rules. Once again there is way too much of the ‘poster child’ element.

    And Ros, please quit trying to push the Poster Child issue on air.

  69. 82 June S Taylor
    November 11, 2009 at 19:29

    I’d love to know how many of the men behaving badly on the video spend any time with their eyes bugged out watching boobs and butts at the beach or on TV. With the millions of dollars/pounds/ reals spent convincing young women that their lives will be worth less if they don’t compete with showbiz and fashionista images – most of which are unhealthy, not to say inappropriate for the real world outside a rave party – I do think it’s hypocrisy to the max for any University man – student or administration – to act so judgemental. Unless, of course, the University polices its website for such images and forbids any TV programs featuring such clothing. Oh, I don’t think so.

  70. 83 Wyatt
    November 11, 2009 at 19:30

    I believe that it is somewhat relevant to the conversation that countries and areas that are more sexually conservative, and either force women to wear burkas, or dress conservatively have a much higher rate of consumption of hard core pornography by the men in those areas. (I believe there are many studies that confirm this)

    I believe that someone from the middle east was quoted on the show as saying that provocatively dressed women cause a distraction from the learning process, and contribute to the degradation of society, but I believe that exactly the opposite is true. In countries where sexuality is suppressed, men are more distracted by sex, and finding an outlet for their sexuality than in societies that are more liberal.

  71. 84 Anthony
    November 11, 2009 at 19:32

    Can I wear a shirt that says “Women belong in the kitchen” if I believe it and can link it to my religion, and expect for women not to comment? That sounds fair to me.

    -Anthony, LA, CA

    • 85 Leslie
      November 11, 2009 at 20:41

      I expect most women would NOT comment on a shirt like that. They would almost certainly THINK some very nasty things about you, but I very much doubt you would be accosted by a mob threatening sexual violence. See the difference?

    • 86 Tom K in Mpls
      November 12, 2009 at 16:26

      Anthony, how many times are you going to rephrase this same silly question on different topics. If a person does something clearly intended to annoy others it will usually get the intended result. I think we all know this. You miss the point.

  72. 87 Anna
    November 11, 2009 at 19:32

    In a perfect world, yes, women would be able to wear whatever they wanted without concern. But the world is not perfect, as we know, and women need to protect themselves by acting responsibly. I wouldn’t walk through the “bad” part of town flaunting expensive items and lots of money, that would just be stupid. Bottom line, we can’t control what other people think or do, so we need to present ourselves in a way that inspires respect, not lust.

  73. 88 Farhan
    November 11, 2009 at 19:33

    In a culture where women are allowed to wear whatever they wanted, I find it bizarre that once in a while, people reject to scantily clad dresses. What about all of the other times? What about beaches with skimpy bikinis? I think people are just looking to cause a ruckus over things that they shouldn’t. If someone wears a dress that you think is inappropriate, ignore and move on. If you think you can’t, maybe it is your problem.

  74. 89 Nate, Portland OR
    November 11, 2009 at 19:35

    Three cheers to Andy’s comment on-air that men should be insulted by this presumption of uncontrollable lust. Ladies, wear whatever you like. If I can’t control myself then I’m a pig. The burden for men’s behavior should lie on men. I may have some natural inclinations towards lust or violence, but just as I was socialized not to punch people who make me angry, so was I socialized not to harass girls/women who turn me on.

    • 90 Leslie
      November 11, 2009 at 20:46

      Thank you Nate, for making that statement from the male perspective. Now all of the sane women here know we’re not crazy to think that men should be expected to control their urges, just like the rest of us. I find it bizarre and disturbing that so many people are willing and able to believe that men literally cannot help themselves if they see an attractive woman.

  75. 91 Andrew
    November 11, 2009 at 19:35

    You should know your audience and environment. If dressing like this is not the norm in this environment then do not dress like this. She said she was going to class it seems like she might have a back pack a pen or something that relates to her participation in school.

    I do not think it was a story that deserves this kind of attention at all!

    Portland Oregon

  76. November 11, 2009 at 19:36

    In today’s America it seems there is a competition on how much of cleavage can be exposed. What ever happened to common sense modesty?

  77. 93 D from Indiana
    November 11, 2009 at 19:36

    This issue must be examined within a cultural context.

  78. 94 jon
    November 11, 2009 at 19:36

    i am curious. why do women wear minis at school?

  79. 95 Susan Bruce
    November 11, 2009 at 19:37

    Why should there be a dress code in college – what on earth has what you wear got to do with learning? I had a similar experience back in the ’80s; I was not allowed onto a government training course for computer programming because of how I looked. And no, I wasn’t in a mini skirt: I was wearing trousers and my hair was too short! Isn’t it typical that it’s nearly always women that are discriminated against in this way. There are some professions where uniforms are necessary to identify people, from police to train guards, but for most people, the way they dress, whether in or out of work, should be a matter of personal choice. As for the comments of the male students; how often in the past have we heard in rape cases that “she was asking for it” because of the way a woman or girl was dressed? Happily, we don’t put up with that in this country any more, it’s about time those Brazilian students grew up and got some sense of morality. As for this student’s clothing; really, it’s not that revealing – she should never have been expelled when she wasn’t breaking any rules.

  80. 96 gregory prill
    November 11, 2009 at 19:37

    An acedemic setting should be more tolerant of different dress than other places, not less. exposure to new and different ideas should be a staple of higher learning and the behaviour of these students casts a very poor light on the educational system and enviroment there. the university in question should be ashamed that it fosters such an attitude. Gregory prill of alberta, canada.

  81. 97 steve
    November 11, 2009 at 19:38

    The Moorehouse dresscode is about making the students appear less “hip hoppy”.. It’s purely about how they want their students to appear, and they want them to look more like scholars rather than rappers.

  82. 98 Christian In Milwaukee
    November 11, 2009 at 19:39

    Andi Zeisler is correct. I AM offended by the notion that men cannot control themselves. That’s asinine.

    Any man who cannot control himself is a mere animal, and not a man at all. The quality of a man is most often defined by what he chooses not to do, especially if it requires strength of will.

    I do not deny that we are more easily aroused visually than women are on average.

    But to say that we have no choice to act on it leads to policies which are oppressive to women. I live in a society where people wear all sorts of clothing and I still manage to maintain respect for women and control over my primal urges.

  83. November 11, 2009 at 19:39

    Dear me, they’re calling that skimpy? This seems to me to be a ridiculous overreaction by pretty much the whole ordeal. Also, if you’re going to punish someone for dressing ‘provocatively’, no matter who it is or how they’re dressing, you might as well go whole hog and institute the thought police.

  84. 100 Wil in Oregon
    November 11, 2009 at 19:39

    It’s unsurprising that (some) Brits think women need to dress to protect themselves from men. Though there is certainly still sexism in America, I find it to be more prevalent in the UK (some people there think women shouldn’t be allowed to be in sports or on the internet).

  85. 101 Erik Friberg
    November 11, 2009 at 19:39

    A woman wearing suggestive clothing is looking for attention from whatever source she has in mind, but that attention is never intended to be negative. Clothing like that indicates the woman is probably looking for men to approach her in a friendly way. If your a man and don’t like, ignore her. There are so many things like this in the world that when you examine the situation, what one person has done really hasn’t inflicted any real harm on yourself, being offended doesn’t count as an “injury in fact”. The bottom line is, her wearing that dress has not tangibly affected anyone, it’s all the result of inappropriate responses.

  86. 102 chris
    November 11, 2009 at 19:40

    Dress is a form of self expression that is very important especially within youth culture. She’s fashionable and tasteful.

    High school students within the US are far more provocative and creative with their clothing than that the simple pink dress this woman chose to wore.

    Perhaps if more women had the courage to express themselves through fashion in their own way it would no longer be a subject of novelty.

  87. 103 Mathew
    November 11, 2009 at 19:41

    Why don’t we all go for nudity, if there should be no restraints?

  88. 105 steve
    November 11, 2009 at 19:41

    Maybe these negative reactions shouldn’t happen, but they do. Adults realize this and then deal with it. There shouldn’t be murders, rapes, and robberies, but there still are, and hence you have to take precautions. We don’t live in an ideal world, therefore, you cannot do whatever you want. Actions have consequences. If I walked down the street with $100 bills taped to my back, I would get killed.

  89. 106 Shawna
    November 11, 2009 at 19:41

    I started listening before I went online to see the video, and I expected to see a much more revealing dress. I’m extremely surprised and disappointed that this is creating such an uproar.

  90. 107 Salisha
    November 11, 2009 at 19:41

    Women should respect themselves. How did the Virgin Mary dress? They should take pattern. Do you know that all the exposed parts will be burnt in hell fire. So who want to show want they want toshow the consequence is there!

  91. 108 Bryan in Salt Lake City
    November 11, 2009 at 19:42

    Both men AND women should take responsibility that their sexuality does not intrude where it’s not appropriate. That being said, certainly the greater sin lies with those who threatened violence. All this fuss over a miniskirt!

  92. 109 Bob in Queensland
    November 11, 2009 at 19:42

    I have to say–speaking as a man–that the most inappropriate part of this story was the male reaction. I’m offended that the notion is out there that we cannot control ourselves if we see a few inches of feminine leg.

  93. November 11, 2009 at 19:43

    This is diffwerent. Morehouse is different. Too many black males do not know how to dress. No matter the age, they already look alike. They wear the sag and walk like Fred Sanford to keep the trousers up. If I am behind them I sing the song fro Sanford and Son. They go on interviews like that. The do rag. The sag. I can’t stand all the braids, either. I am a 60 yr old black woman. I have a 6’6″, 36 year old son who NEVER dressed in this manner because he thought it ridiculous. To add to that the dingy white t-shirts. There was a time when the majority of black men cared about how they looked instead of satisfying a ‘look’. There was even a demarcation in dress and age. No longer. I applaud Morehouse. Stop comparing apples to oranges.

  94. 111 Jay
    November 11, 2009 at 19:43

    Bertha: So you’re saying that, when a person communicates, they bear no responsibility at all for how their communication is perceived? *None?*

  95. 112 Tom D Ford
    November 11, 2009 at 19:43

    I note that it was the Catholic Church run University and Rector which “Judged” her. Whatever happened to the Jesus teaching “Judge not”? Is this not just another example of the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church?

    If “God” created her isn’t she perfect even without clothing? Why does the Church teach people to be ashamed of the human body?

    “If man were meant to be nude he would have been born that way”, Oscar Wilde.

    The world is upside down when people who are ashamed and so wear clothes to cover themselves, judge people who are proud of what “God” created and so expose themselves as “God” created them.

    No, there is nothing wrong with that dress, the wrong is in the heads of those who “judge” her.

  96. 113 Greg in Portland
    November 11, 2009 at 19:43

    To the Bitch from Portland:

    A super short dress leaving a woman’s cootchie hanging out is great! At night or at a beach. But not in class.

    Instructor eyes wander downward.

    How about some sense of situational propriety or slight professionalism.

    • 114 Leslie
      November 11, 2009 at 21:01

      Excuse me, but why should a female undergraduate show more professionalism than an instructor who can’t keep himself from undressing his students with his eyes? I think it’s the university here that is lacking professionalism.

      Oh, and the dress isn’t that short.

    • 115 Jennifer
      November 12, 2009 at 15:15


      I cant say that I’d say what you said in the terms you did, but I do agree. This woman is responsible for choosing the clothing she wears and she, if she is not ignorant, knows what reaction it will get from others including men. She is responsible for her own safety and for the way others see her. I think she’s made a bad decision here wearing something not appropriate for school (even university).

      The key issues are being appropriate in a situation (school) and professionalism.


      I don’t agree with your comment: “To the B*tch from Portland.” Where is your sense of propriety there?

  97. 116 mohiblog
    November 11, 2009 at 19:43

    Seriously? This fuss is over this dress. The University directors should be ashamed of them selves. The boys and girls with the insults should have been the ones suspended. Everyone involved should resign.


  98. 117 Chad Edward
    November 11, 2009 at 19:43

    “We don’t teach men that it’s wrong to rape women.” That was just said on BBC’s air and no one challenged it. That’s ridiculous.

  99. 118 Anthony
    November 11, 2009 at 19:44

    If there were NO MEN at this university, she wouldn’t have been wearing that. She wanted attention.

    -Anthony, LA, CA

    • 119 Leslie
      November 11, 2009 at 21:04

      You don’t know that. Maybe she’s a lesbian. Or maybe she just wanted to look pretty because she feels more comfortable that way. Or maybe she did want attention…what, men never make plays for attention?

      Again, you’re blaming the woman for the reaction of the men, which is unfair and sexist.

  100. November 11, 2009 at 19:44

    Perhaps the boys and girls shouting rape and abuse should be put out of university.It would seem there are no shortages of tyrants for Brazils future.

  101. 121 Amy
    November 11, 2009 at 19:45

    As a woman, I can say that I have been dressed much more modestly and STILL received the unwanted attention from men. I agree with the comments related to MEN taking responsibility for keeping their mouths shut. Also, things happen and skirts ride up or other wardrobe malfunctions occur, and everyone should realize it will not last long.

  102. 122 Todd in Atlanta
    November 11, 2009 at 19:45

    Y’ know what?
    Morehouse College is a PRIVATE MALE institution. It may exist in a ‘free democratic’ society, but it has the freedom, as a private institution, to come up with whatever dress-code it wants, and individuals are free to NOT go there.

    As for the lady in Brazil, I don’t care what she’s wearing, (whether it offends me or not) she should not be harassed to any degree, especially by a mob threatening rape. That’s just insane in any society.

  103. 123 jens
    November 11, 2009 at 19:45

    it is not a matter of immodesty to me. it is a matter of style and elegance. if somebody wants to look like a hooker, then let them look like a hooker. however, i am certainly not interested in talking or interacting with somebody dressed like that. this goes the same way for guys looking like pimps or wearing their pants down to their knees.

  104. 125 Kat in Florida
    November 11, 2009 at 19:46

    I have seen much worse in schools here in the US. I disagree with the way the matter was handled. The school should have had more tact in handling the situation if they did not like the way she way dressed. The school should also enforce a dress code if they want to prevent further outbursts of this kind.

  105. 126 Stephanie
    November 11, 2009 at 19:47

    I think its been said already but bears repeating… its not necessarily what you wear but how you flaunt yourself in it. If a dowdy girl was wearing the same dress i doubt anyone would have noticed her. The young woman wore that for attention unfortunately she received unwanted attention. If a man walked around in a pervocative shirt Im sure the women would have also been stirred up.

    I think we need to review behaviour versus the superficial clothing. She stirred up more than she could handle because she was her sex appeal unwittingly.

  106. 127 Leslie
    November 11, 2009 at 19:47

    The comment has been made several times that women who dress a certain way should expect comments from men, and they should know they will be called names. This implies that they deserve it. First of all, being called names and having hordes of men threaten to rape you are very different things. It is NEVER acceptable to threaten to rape a woman for ANY reason. Second, why should women have to deal with the things men say to them when they dress as they like? Shouldn’t we expect men to be able to act as adults and deal with the fact that a woman is wearing a dress? How many of those men were wearing low-ride jeans that show their underwear? When I was in college, I had to constantly look at men’s boxers because they don’t wear clothes that fit them, but I was able to contain my comments in my head and not shout lewd things at them. Why are men and women held to different standards in this regard? I think the behavior of the mob was much more offensive than her dress. In fact, I think it is more socially unacceptable and disturbing than if she had shown up in her underwear.

  107. 128 Brigitte
    November 11, 2009 at 19:47

    I hear double standard here : If the women have the right to wear whatever they want, then people can say whatever they want…
    By the way, I do not believe that, when you are a member of a community, you should be able to do or say anything you want. Of course, within limits, you should be aware that what you say or wear will generate a reaction/answer in others around you.

  108. 129 perry
    November 11, 2009 at 19:47

    I was taught that if I don’t like what someone is wearing, I should just avert my eyes.

  109. 130 Dean from Connecticut
    November 11, 2009 at 19:48

    Everything has to be considered in context. Alas, the reality of Brasil, similar to other Latin countries, is that it is a machismo society which imposes negative ramifications on women who present themselves inappropriately.

    The student was obviously attempting to garner attention on one level or another; well, she got it.

  110. 131 Marina Gutierrez
    November 11, 2009 at 19:50

    I agree completely with DENNIS JUNIOR comments, and the other students are right to complain about her dress, she is attending a private university and should follow the rules of the place.

  111. 132 Sid in Portland
    November 11, 2009 at 19:50

    Why aren’t men taught that they shouldn’t act like animals. The truly disgusting thing about this is that the woman is blamed for how the men are acting…unfortunately very typical. The world will be a better place when men across the world learn to respect women.

  112. 133 Andrea
    November 11, 2009 at 19:51

    Isn’ t the whole reason for extreme muslim men to make women wear full body coverings so they (the men) don’t get inticed by her into having indecent thoughts and/or actions? So, my interpretation on this is: extreme muslim men think it is the fault of women that (some) men are pigs and that’s why women are forced to police themselves or be policed by the men in the society.

    I believe it is wron that a woman has to consider wether or not an outfit might get her raped when she decides what to wear in the morning.

    Wyoming, USA

  113. 134 Everyman
    November 11, 2009 at 19:54

    It is hard to belief what I’m hearing. People do have a responsibility to the people around them. Not only would Rachel have been cold and unconformatable in her underwear at work, should would also have offended others. This is the point. There are times and places to dress as one likes. There are other times when one has to meet social norms.

  114. 135 Rob
    November 11, 2009 at 19:54

    Andy from Portland is right, where is the outrage against the would-be rapists? There is nothing scary about a girl wearing an (ugly) pink jumper dress. There IS something VERY SCARY about the mob rape mentality. There was no dress code at the school, and it’s not like she showed up in her underwear. Get over it!

  115. 136 Mitchell Sandler
    November 11, 2009 at 19:54

    The woman’s not at fault – We were at a Jackie Chan movie once, where a group of teenagers started becoming aggressive. We complained to the management of the theatre, but they offered us our money back, and asked us to come back some other time, rather than confront the ‘hooligans’.
    This case is a bit the same – it was easier to escort the woman off-campus, rather than confront all that testosterone-fueled, ill-controlled male energy. Young men have to learn impulse control, as hard as that is.

  116. 137 Erin in Kansas City
    November 11, 2009 at 19:54

    Everyone has the right to wear what they want but there are consequences in doing so depending on what wardrobe is chosen and for what occasion. For instance if someone were to dress up as a police officer it would be safe to assume that the person is one. If one were to dress up as a street worker then one can make the assumption that the person is indeed one. Both people in this case may not be be a police officer or a street worker respectively. However when you don the uniform then don’t be surprised if you get treated accordingly.

  117. 138 Roy
    November 11, 2009 at 19:54

    First thing, it is not a matter of “men” controlling themselves. These are teenagers and young men at best who are anything but mature.

    Secondly, yes there should be a certain level of courtesy or reserve when dressing to go into an academic setting. This girl was obviously suspended for causing an uproar and mass chaos that ensued. People, men and women alike should dress respectfully and modestly when going into any academic setting. I for one am not paying 50,000$ for my education so I can see a fashion show everyday. She wanted attention, and she got it.

  118. 139 allthatjazz
    November 11, 2009 at 19:55

    to the american who asks what is considered appropriate: we, as aduts, all have a sense of what is proper and what is not. if some office worker came in one day wearing panties and a bra, do you think that is appropriate? or if the ceo came in in his briefs because he felt like it, do you think that is appropriate?

  119. 140 Alain
    November 11, 2009 at 19:55

    In society you will always be judged in part according to how you dress, whether you are a man or a woman. What would your reaction be (in Britain) if you went to see your (male) solicitor or GP and he was dressed with flowery shorts and an AC/DC t-shirt? If you don’t want any adverse reactions, dress according to the cultural norm of the place where you are. There is nothing complicated about it.

  120. 141 Jamie/ Baker,OR
    November 11, 2009 at 19:59

    I do think that there should be a difference between on campus and off campus dress, but each person is and individual and should be able to express that. If a college/university feels that there should be a level of ediqute then they need to have a dress code, if they don’t then you can’t enforce one. I personally did not see anything wrong with her dress. I have seen alot worse

  121. 142 Susan
    November 11, 2009 at 20:00

    I have no problem with the dress and think the other students’ behavior is inexcusable. However, if this woman has been a student on campus for any amount of time, she should be aware of the generally accepted dress. I question her motivation in wearing something that would create such a strong reaction. I think this aspect needs to be investigated too. No matter what her motivation, the harrassment she endured was way overboard.

  122. 143 Felix
    November 11, 2009 at 20:00

    The point the speaker from the US is trying to make is ridiculous. What makes her think that people do not tell men or boys that it is not alright to disrespect people let alone rape them? I’ve always been taught to respect others regardless of sex or appearance. I never met a man in my entire life who thinks it’s to rape people. That statement does not make any sense.

    This case seems very simple to me. If a person does not want to be in an uncomfortable position they would not put themselves there. It is never alright to disrespect other people just like it is not alright to steal or murder. You lock your doors at night so you don’t get robbed and you stay away from bad neighborhoods in order to remain safe. Doesn’t it just make sense not wear overly provocative clothing?

  123. November 11, 2009 at 20:03

    I’m a university professor in the US. I agree that I would be surprised and a bit distracted if one of my students wore that dress to class. If the behavior persisted, I might try to find a polite way to privately encourage her to dress more modestly. However, I also would fight hard to support her right to dress as she likes without threats or harassment, much less university sanction.

    At my admittedly unusual undergraduate institution students would show up to class in bathrobes, or naked, or whatever once in a while. It was sort of a game. Nobody really worried about it much. It would have been unthinkable to expel anybody over something like that.

    Part of the university experience is learning to handle differences in a mature way. Any student who threatened rape, as some of the students in this incident reportedly did, should have been prosecuted. For the rest, they should have been reprimanded, and that should have been the end of it.

  124. 145 habila bature
    November 11, 2009 at 20:20

    The authorities did the right thing such indecent exposure should not be tolerated in academic enviroments this is a lesson for all those who dress skimpy.

  125. November 11, 2009 at 20:30

    If I were a Gynocologist, there would be nothing wrong with her dress.

    If I were a man, I would ask her, “How much?”

    If I really gave a damn, then that means I have no life of my own.

  126. 147 Ryan
    November 11, 2009 at 20:38

    YES! these is something incredibly wrong with wearing ‘sexy’ apparel to university. Don’t get me wrong, I am a 29 year old male who enjoyed the eye candy while I was attending my university, and I certainly understand the appeal of wanting to be attractive while in the most likely environment to score a date. However, wearing sexy clothing, by men OR by women, is unacceptable in an academic environment. If you want to look good, do so after classes, not during. Have a ball, life is short, but that doesn’t mean I need to see your thighs when I am trying to study economics. I assure you, your thighs are much more interesting than the cross-price elasticity of demand. You don’t need to remind me.

  127. 148 Raghavan
    November 11, 2009 at 21:02

    It is unfortunate that we live in a modern world of extremes. We are as extreme in our conservatism as we are in our liberalism. How are people then to clearly determine what is offensive and what is not?

    I agree with the CNN report. In a country like Brazil, which is known for its Carnival, its beaches, and its amorality, such a display should be seen as anything else, simply just another day in Rio.

    Personally, I do not know of a country in the world, other than the Vatican, that can label itself a truly Catholic country.

  128. 149 Katie B
    November 12, 2009 at 00:46

    Are you kidding me? You who is saying this kind of clothing is slutty or provocative, really? Her dress is distracting? People wear far less to the beach without hordes of people drowning from being distracted by skimpy bikinis. No one rapes women at the beach because exposed bodies fill men with uncontrolable lust. Why is this different? Give me a break. If it were a man this would be a nonissue, because women do not reduce men to objects of gratification. This is an issue of misogyny, pure and simple.

    • 150 Sharafadeen A. (Sokoto, Nigeria)
      November 12, 2009 at 12:52

      @ Katie B
      “No one rapes women at the beach because exposed bodies fill men with uncontrolable lust.”

      you sound suprising to me. Can you have sex in front of your siblings, children or parent or even in public. if anyone do that then such person is nothing but an animal.

      certainly no sane man can try that no matter the uncontrolable lust he is undergoing that time, otherwise other people present there will certainily mobbed him, should this scenario happens in compromising environment RAPE IS 99% A POSSIBILITY!!!

  129. 151 claudine
    November 12, 2009 at 01:57

    If they would have complained in Iran or Sudan, then I could have understood it, but in Brazil????
    In Rio de Janeiro you can find nudity everywhere. Compared to that the dress was still rather conservative…..
    was it that the dress didnt show enough ;).

  130. November 12, 2009 at 03:14

    Students go to collages & universities to study. If they give importance to dresses & other things, it might distract them as well as others on the campus. Occasionally
    decorating themselves during parties in & picnics from collages is okay. Not during study hours.
    Dr. Krishna Kumari Challa

  131. 153 doodle
    November 12, 2009 at 04:48

    I wouldn’t find this woman attractive even if she was completely naked.

    And what’s up with those eyebrows?

  132. 154 clive
    November 12, 2009 at 10:29

    The right dress at the right time in the right enviroment raises no dust: a suit to church or mini skirt to an in-house party is perfect but think of a wedding gown in a night club or a pair of shorts in an international conference.

  133. November 12, 2009 at 10:30

    There is nothing wrong with the dress, it is not that provocative. The dress is not outrageous in the context of Brazil where we see people dancing on the street wearing skimpy clothes.

  134. 156 Sharafadeen A. (Sokoto, Nigeria)
    November 12, 2009 at 12:38

    Many things are wrong with this dressing!!!
    It is very unfortunate that up till this present age, most women folks are still very ignorance what is good (and protective) for them. Yet this trends in going worst day by day. “Men are uncovering themselves while the lady are uncovering themselves.” They should look back into the ages how were modest women dress, well covered in a long robe with headcover (veils), later they replace the head cover with hat (now the hat being casted away), the long robe with shorter one and now the shortest robe are generally too long for today (ignorant) ladies.
    I once saw lady on street one certain cold night perhaps set for party she wore a spaggette top and mini down yet caughting cold. What an irony!
    this day you find men dress by putting on shirt (may singlet under), put on it jacket and on it coat and tie with trouser while a the ladies dress with shirt unbottoned (to revealved their bosom) and mini skirt.

  135. 157 chris
    November 12, 2009 at 13:37

    Nothing wrong with the dress. I do find something wrong with the men here who don’t seem to be self-disciplined enough control themselves. Some suggestions to guys who let little johnny do the thinking: cold shower, regular meditation, think about the STD you’d least like to have, imagine she’s your sister. Hopefully that helps some of you get a grip on yourselves so you do less damage in the world.

  136. 158 Jennifer
    November 12, 2009 at 15:02

    Re: Was the university right to object to her dress? YES

    Should women dress more modestly when at work or university? In fact, does the same apply to men as well? YES. From the video, you can see that this woman was the only person dressing as she did. She was not dressed for the occasion (school). Was she dressed too risque? Yes; she did a disservice to herself (and other women) by looking like a hoochie. Really, if you want to show your business, please do it elsewhere!

    Are any restrictions on clothing at university contrary to the spirit of education? No.

    is the part of a broader problem where ’sexy’ clothing is worn far too often? I think this is the true issue. Universities, all schools, should have dress codes and all should follow them.

  137. 159 Fritz
    November 12, 2009 at 20:14

    It depends on the country. I personally find nothing wrong with the best but my parents in Ghana will see the dress as inappropriate. In Africa such dresses will be considered indecent. But i believe in the WEST there’s nothing wrong with it. it all depends on the value system of the individual.

  138. 160 Ayinde Foster
    November 12, 2009 at 22:11

    dear fellow People, I will not lie to you, Her dressing was very bad indeed, and i appriciate the school government on the step they took over her case, She would just use her body to be seducing men arround the school.
    there are many of them here in Africa, they have been poluted with all these sort of maldressing and even in the schools to the secondary school level and the government here doesnt say anything on it, which is paining me and others.
    Even though if she wants to ware a short or mini skirt she should atleast put on a tighting trousers that woulld have cover her body a little. that is what i would like to say.
    Yes the Punishment fit the crime they accused her for.

  139. 161 Maria
    November 12, 2009 at 23:37

    A huge crowd of sub-human Brazilian students shrieking “Whore Whore Rape Her Rape Her” and you think the issue is the dress?????
    An University in a supposedly civilized country chooses to stage a huge public shaming by parading a student out of her class in front of a screaming mob instead of simply advising her to change her style of dress, and you think the issue is the length of a dress???????
    Have you gone crazy?

  140. 162 Kim Reed
    November 13, 2009 at 02:10

    When people call/write in and say “women” should dress more respectfully, or it’s difficult for men to NOT look at “women” who wear short dresses, etc I get the sneaking suspicion that these “women” they are talking about are females from the ages 16-30 and built a very specific way.

    If this was a 60-90 year old woman would she have been reacted to in the same way? If she was a 300 pound woman how would reactions have been different? A woman in a wheel chair? A transgender woman? A woman who’s a body builder?

  141. 163 Ifeanyi
    November 13, 2009 at 16:18

    Many private universities in Nigeria prescribe dress codes for their students on campus while in the public schools there are no formal dress code. Now, if that particular Uni has dress code known to her, she should either follow it or go to another uni that permits her kind of dressing. It’s a matter of choice. Very sure that she will get her choice (in Brazil).

  142. 164 miriamhyde54
    November 13, 2009 at 16:41

    I responded some time ago, but as others have said here:

    The “harassers” should have been given consequences more severe than the woman. Men HAVE to take responsibility for their actions. Women HAVE to take responsibility for their actions.

    The university HAS to find a better way to deal with situations that get that hot, before they get that hot. If they must call in the police, make sure all the “perps” get taken out.

  143. 165 Vicki
    November 13, 2009 at 20:17

    Just one comment for all the men going on about how “distracting” and “unladylike” that stupid dress is, and how women should cover up and be modest so as not to upset the poor men (iddy-woo, poor babies):

    EVOLVE, already! Don’t you think it’s time you caught up with us? WE sure do…

  144. November 14, 2009 at 13:32

    This event shows that it would seem appearance matters more than intellect. The double standards and hypocrisy are obvious. This woman should be allowed to dress in whatever way she wishes.

  145. 167 Ottilie
    November 19, 2009 at 10:58

    a woman was nearly lynched for what she wore. Isn’t that the issue here?

    btw at a recent graduation ceremony in prague i saw a lady wearing an even skimpier dress than that. no one was up in arms. whatever happened to tolerance?

    Also: if an incident lik this had taken place in an Islamic country, the reactions would have been totally different (more indignant outrage). When its Western guys doing it, its OK. Hiw hypocritical!!!!

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