Archive for November 19th, 2009


Does homework hinder or help?

Parents don’t get much cooler than this. Tom and Shelli Milley have just won their kids the legal right not do their homework.

“We’re not slaves to a system that sends home five sheets of spelling and says it has to be done for tomorrow,” Mr. Milley says. “It’s a hideously pathetic way to learn.”

 Should homework be scrapped? Would homework time be better spent switching off?


‘Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels’

Was this an irresponsible comment from supermodel Kate Moss? The New York Post calls it a  ‘horrifying endorsement of starving your way to supermodel thin’. And there’s no shortage of people who feel that her comment during a recent interview will encourage anorexia and other eating disorders.

Here’s an honest opinion on her statement from someone who admits to flirting with the pro-anorexia movement. Continue reading ‘‘Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels’’


On air: Is corruption just a way of life?

‘Life is a corrupting process from the time a child learns to play his mother off against his father in the politics of when to go to bed; he who fears corruption fears life.

It’s a subject that’s rarely out of the headlines, it affects nearly every nation on earth – rich and poor – and it’s (arguably) endemic. What is it? Corruption: the misuse of governmental powers by officials for illegitimate personal gain. No nation is immune from its tantalising grasp.
Continue reading ‘On air: Is corruption just a way of life?’