Archive for December 16th, 2008


On air: Is the shoe-throwing journalist the pride or shame of Iraq?

He’s called Muntadar al-Zaidi, and if don’t know his name I bet you’ve seen his shoes flying towards George Bush. If you missed it, here’s the video.

It’s the most talked about story online, and essentially this comes down to two questions. What’s your reaction to what he did? What punishment or response should he receive? Continue reading ‘On air: Is the shoe-throwing journalist the pride or shame of Iraq?’


Talking points 16 Dec

You’ve got to admit he’s got pretty good reactions. President Bush giving a press conference on his final visit to Iraq as US President, had two shoes thrown at him. Iraqi television journalist Muntadar al-Zaidi stood up and shouted “this is a goodbye kiss from the Iraqi people, dog,” before hurling his size tens (showing the soles of shoes to someone is a sign of contempt in Arab culture). Continue reading ‘Talking points 16 Dec’