Archive for December 5th, 2008


Citizen Journalists and us…

Hi my name is Nina and I look after a citizen journalism project called Your Story at the BBC World Service.   This is a place where you can send in your video, photos and audio – we work with ordinary people who are perhaps already citizen journalists with their own blogs or maybe shooting video or uploading photos and get these story ideas on air. Continue reading ‘Citizen Journalists and us…’


On air: Is it too late to save the planet?

Live from the Eden Project. Photostream updated here.

So you recycle, you try not to use your car and you switch off your lights as much as you can. (i appreciate this is a very western picture but bear with me). You follow the green debate with a mixture of helplessness and fear and you wonder if it’s all a bit too late ….

Continue reading ‘On air: Is it too late to save the planet?’


On the horizon…

We don’t always just throw it all together on the day at WHYS, whatever you might think. Just occasionally, we actually PLAN a bit, so here’s a few things i hope you’ll look forward to…
Continue reading ‘On the horizon…’