Archive for August 20th, 2008


Talking points 21st Aug

Good morning WHYSers, Kate here with you again today.

Thanks very much to Brett for moderating last night. Please get in touch if you’d like to have a go at moderating the blog yourself.

Continue reading ‘Talking points 21st Aug’


On air: Can paedophiles ever be released safely into society?

The Thai authorities say they’re preparing to expel the former pop star and convicted paedophile, Gary Glitter. He’s been at Bangkok airport since refusing to board a flight to London, last night, following his release from a Vietnamese jail.

It comes as the British Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, says restrictions on convicted child sex offenders are to be tightened— to make it harder for them to travel abroad. Continue reading ‘On air: Can paedophiles ever be released safely into society?’


Do you have a webcam?…

…And a strong interest in Barrack Obama? And a willingness to help us out on two consecutive Sundays? If you’ve answered yes three times over, then you may want to get involved in the WHYS TV pilot.
Continue reading ‘Do you have a webcam?…’