Archive for May 12th, 2009


On air: Do you admire British democracy?

WestminsterSorry this is late. I’ll expand in a while, but you want to talk about whether the expenses row in Britain (which is a really big deal here and has been running for days) is having an effect on how you view one of the world’s oldest democracies. Should Westminster still be held up an as example to the world of how to run a democracy?


Talking Points: 12 May

_45735860_007223698-1 sabShould journalists have the freedom to report anywhere?  Three UK journalists have been kicked out of Sri Lanka for reporting on the plight of civilians in a Tamil refugee camp.  You can read the lead reporter’s account of what happened here.  This got the World Have Your Say team talking yesterday about the rights of journalists to work freely and whether or not governments should control how the media in their country report.

Continue reading ‘Talking Points: 12 May’