Archive for May 1st, 2009


On air: Does keeping economies afloat matter more than stopping the swine flu?

swineflu_595ap1This May Day weekend in Mexico will feel very different. Instead of parades and celebrations, all non-essential government services will close, along with cinemas, bars and restaurants. It’s believed it could cost $60 billion a day to the economy of Mexico city alone. And it’s not just that country’s economy that’s being hit. Stocks are falling, flights are being cancelled, 300,000 pigs have been killed in Egypt and some countries are banning pork imports. As many analysts are saying, this is the last thing the fragile world economy needs right now, let alone the vulnerable economy of Mexico. Is Mexico doing the right thing? Or does keeping the economy going matter more than stopping the swine flu? Continue reading ‘On air: Does keeping economies afloat matter more than stopping the swine flu?’


Talking points 1.5.09

Masked couple Hi from quaratine, and happy May Day. I can’t see too far beyond swine flu for today’s show, especially now that Mexico is preparing to do what everyone there feared and shut down parts of its economy. Have a look at these suggestions and let me know what you think. Continue reading ‘Talking points 1.5.09’