Archive for May 11th, 2009


On air: Is the Pope standing up for an oppressed minority in the Middle East?

Pope in Middle EastPope Benedict began his tour of the Middle East on the weekend by visiting Jordan over and praising the the ‘courage’ of Christians who live there. Christians are in the minority in the Middle East, and from the Copts in Egypt to the Chaldean and Assyrian Christians of Iraq, many have suffered from victimisation and attacks on homes and churches because of their faith. Today we’re going to hear what it’s like to be a Christian in the Middle East.
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Talking Points: 11 May

srilanka1The UN has told of a “bloodbath and total disregard for human life” in Sri Lanka. Three UK journalists were kicked out of the country over the weekend after they reported on the horrors of the refugee camps.   So if a government gets the media on side, have they won the argument? And is it justified to kick the media out when an argument gets too tough? Continue reading ‘Talking Points: 11 May’