
On air / TV: Are we over-educated?

school 1 Here’s the list of the kids taking part, and a seperate post where you can leave questions for them.

All week long the BBC’s Hunger to Learn series has heard about the extraordinary efforts that children make to get to school. And some people have responded by asking a question that may surprise you – and that is whether we’re over-educating our kids? Are there times when helping your family or getting a job should take priority over getting to school… and is there any point studying right through to university, if there aren’t any jobs to do when you graduate?

We did a programme from the Civicus conference a couple of years ago and school 2the young delegates there wanted us to ask the question ” are we over-educated?” – well, it’s come up again.

Do we place too much importance on school education and not on life skills ?

(BTW, did you see this story recommending kids in the UK shouldn’t start proper schooling til the age of 6 ?)

school 5

83 Responses to “On air / TV: Are we over-educated?”

  1. October 13, 2009 at 19:36

    By definition Education means to ‘cull out’ – that is to bring out the best in Man.
    Are we doing this today?No.
    How many new advancement in Scientific theories have been formulated on the scale of Aristotle, Pythagoras,Galileo,Newton, Edison Einstein et al?.
    The last two were dismissed from school on the ground that they were very poor in studies.
    So called formal education, which we have to day is nothing more than of cramming facts and make people know,not understand, what others have done.Nothing original comes out as a result.
    At best, we are qualified to eke out a living ;definitely we are not educated by any stretch of imagination.
    If we go by the definition of accumulating facts with out understanding and also being less than Humane, Yes, we are definitely over educated.

    • October 17, 2009 at 11:24

      I agree with ramanan. I would add that education in the hands of the politicians has just one goal: accumulating wealth whatever the cost. Yes, there is over-education; all to attain this one objective in life. The purpose of education should be to make one a better person; one who upholds human values and enriches the society he lives in. The so-called modern education is destroying the traditional family units and the society in fulfillment of Margaret Thatcher’s words: “There is no such thing as society”.

  2. 3 patti in cape coral
    October 13, 2009 at 20:11

    I don’t think you can be over-educated. What you know can’t hurt you. I think we are overpaying for an education, but what choice do we have?

    Should we concentrate on life skills? My son’s autism class concentrates on just that, laundry, shopping, making change, taking a bus, work skills, etc. Most of us pick that up through living, it is more of a challenge for the disabled. My son can do laundry, dishes, and most chores much better than my daughter, who is a sophomore at college…hmmm, maybe you guys have a point!

  3. October 13, 2009 at 20:14

    Are we overeducated ? Not at all ! Education is not filling one’s head with information and facts that are of no use, just because they exist. Of course we place too much worth on school education, turning all of us into clones of one another instead of concentrating on individual knowledge through actual experience and life skills.

    For example schools dont teach anyone how to learn. Or encourage students to learn methods like meditation in order to know themselves. There is no greater knowledge than self knowledge. Only those who know themselves, to begin with, can know what they need to learn to express or manifest themselves to the full as unique individuals. Instead of just being just another bad copy of someone else.

  4. 5 jens
    October 13, 2009 at 20:35

    ther is not such thing as over education. there is myth the far right likes to perptrate that education is bad. it is just reverse snobisme, along the lines of it is great to be a working class job.

    • 6 Jessica in NYC
      October 14, 2009 at 17:34

      Jens, they key is choice. I wonder if people feel some are over educated, because others don’t have the opportunity?

  5. 7 Tom K in Mpls
    October 13, 2009 at 21:46

    As with any ‘project’, first you need to define a goal. For any of the true sciences, college is mandatory. For most skilled trades, trades schools are best and college is overkill. Lower education should stay pretty much where it has been over the last 100 years in the industrialized nations.

    There is so much useful and accessible information in the world today that one person can not be expected to learn it. And I’m referring to knowledge on par with simple trades. Public education should do nothing more than to give unskilled labor all they need to easily get by and prepare others for trade school. Programs to help those with greater goals and abilities makes a lot of sense. But pushing education as a blind goal is a major waste of resources and produces too much stress for many children.

    • 8 viola
      October 16, 2009 at 16:44

      A blind goal? Aren’t there polls that show that the more education you have, the happier you are? So the goal of education in the public sector should be training for what’s available, rather than what makes one happy? That implies that only those with private resources have a right to the pursuit of happiness.

      Is it possible to forecast far enough in advance what will be needed that public education (training, rather, which seems to be what most people think education is) will actually provide consumers of that public education what will actually be needed? If that is the goal, accurate forecasting of need is essential; otherwise, you will have over-educated (over-trained) masses of people who will end up working in a job for which they have no training.

      Some of the problems stem from the fact that employers no longer expect to have to train basically-educated persons for specific jobs, since that has been passed on to the public sector.

      • 9 Tom K in Mpls
        October 16, 2009 at 18:23

        Polls are meaningless. They are easily conducted and presented to validate anything. You could poll the happiness of people choosing to live a monks life with no education too. It helps to stay practical.

        You seem to ignore grants and student loans. Also, today, self education is also very easy thanks to communications advances (internet). Also basics are basics, no forecasting needed. And businesses, both employers and trade schools adapt continually and efficiently to changes. Where is the problem?

  6. 10 T
    October 13, 2009 at 22:11

    in this global economy, you need all the training you can get. Whethere you’re an engineer or an actor, the days of leaving school and getting a good union job (with it’s perks) are long gone.

    How many people who say there are” too many people in college” haven’t been laid off from their union job?

  7. 11 Guruprasad P
    October 14, 2009 at 05:49

    There is nothing like we are over educated. Man learns till the last day of his life. With new inventions and updates in his respective profession he can never relax.
    Yes if we are talking in terms of getting “Certificate” to get into a profession or job, there is a limit and you can stop at a level when you reach your goal. Call yourself over educated when you are stuffed with more Certificates. If education means knowledge then there is no end.

  8. 12 scmehta
    October 14, 2009 at 06:27

    What matters the most is quality of education; the first criteria/aim should be to prepare and turn out all-rounders and humane citizens. No body is ever over-educated; we imbibe and acquire whatever we aspire and are capable of. Yes, the circumstances, or call it destiny if you like, do play an important role in shaping-up our future as well as contribution to the society.

  9. 13 Jim Newman
    October 14, 2009 at 10:50

    Hello again
    If we take nourishment, for example, it is possible to be over-fed but under-nourished and I think the analogy fits well to education.
    Over-education has a tendency to squeeze out other spheres of life that are vital to a complete human being.
    In fact I’ve just scrolled back to Ronald Almeida and I’ll stop there because he says what I mean perfectly.

    • 14 Jessica in NYC
      October 14, 2009 at 18:03


      While your analogy fits, it’s not comparing the right elements. To continue with your example if one is over fed, but malnourished that’s because the wrong food are being consumed in higher quantities and the food the human body need are not being consumed. This is something a basic level education should teach us in grade school, but this type of knowledge is being left for an advance level course or an elective to teach young people in high school or university. It seems simple enough, but with health classes are not offered and one continues through out life not getting the basics levels of knowledge needed it’s no wonder higher education seems like it’s unnecessary. Who can blame the fat kid for eating a low-cal strawberry twinkly or sandwich with whole wheat bread–it reads whole wheat, low calorie and strawberries, it must be healthy. Never mind the nutrients.

  10. 15 vijay Pillai
    October 14, 2009 at 14:31

    we are not over educated but the advancing techlologists and scientists keep introduing new hurdles to keep them employed for life and the ordinary mortals have to keep learning more and more to understand and keep up with so called progress. For instance a computer scientist explained why she gave up computer it word to do admin work because she ahd enough of learing new every time and if not in touch with computer science’s advances, you are simpley left behind by the pace of development.

  11. 16 Sade
    October 14, 2009 at 14:53

    I think the question should be: is education the same as training?

  12. 18 Jennifer
    October 14, 2009 at 15:22

    There is such a thing as being so educated you are dumb and out of touch with reality aka looking down on the little people with your elite self. 🙂

  13. 19 Anthony
    October 14, 2009 at 15:35

    I think we shouldn’t try to shove education down peoples throats. I know many people who wasted time in school, when the could have been learning a trade.

    There are useless degrees out there though. Why pay tons of money for a degree in Latin, when you’ll just end up making coffee in some trendy shop.

    -Anthony, LA, CA

    • 20 Jessica in NYC
      October 14, 2009 at 18:08


      Being educated is not JUST about the job it leads to. Not everyone need a university degree for every job, as with everything one size does NOT fit all. The skills that are taught when we are educated extend past what we do to pay rent and how we live our lives. And who are you to judge the the person who decides to get a Latin degree and are serving coffee? Are you saying only uneducated and “dumb” people can serve coffee?

      • 21 Tom K in Mpls
        October 15, 2009 at 18:15

        Let me take a risk here and comment on both posts. First, I think Anthony did not word this well. And so Jessica took some of it wrong. The first point I have is both seem to agree that one size does not fit all. In regard to both the amount of education and to rounding out the education.

        The other thing, I believe Anthony means that if someone has the money to get a degree that will not provide a ‘useful’ degree, fine. But if it is paid for with public money, that is a problem.

        What I would like to add/ask is, can anyone come up with a way to stop people from taking on advanced education when they have no real goal or desire?

  14. October 14, 2009 at 16:25

    If he makes good enough coffee and the place is trendy enough, the Romans of the past may rise out of their graves and visit the place for a good conversation.

  15. 23 gary
    October 14, 2009 at 16:25

    Ignorance produces neutral results at its very best with all other results being negative. Heed the advice contained in Newton’s comment about pebbles on the beach.

  16. 24 Tom K in Mpls
    October 14, 2009 at 16:38

    Look at it this way, when the demand for anything gets high, the price goes up. In the US over the last five years, the cost of college education has been a common state level topic. It costs too much money to educate at the current level. The same has been true with driving SUVs and health care.

    Not even a communism can afford to give everyone, everything they want. Idealism is useful to work towards a creative, better future, but pragmatism is what fixes and prevents a collapse. And no, nothing is perfect.

  17. October 14, 2009 at 16:49

    I dont think you can ever be over educated because education is a social process. Education is growth. Education is, not a preparation for life; education is life itself. Once you have your education the world is your oyster.

    The point of a school education is people get to learn the meanings of life, it is not all about education, you also get to learn about who you are as a person and expressing yourself. It is to develop our minds.

    I think developing countries should concentrate their efforts on education because once you have education you can go far in life and get the jobs you want. Education is the key to freedom.

    • October 15, 2009 at 05:39

      Theoretically you are absolutely right. For almost everything begins with being properly informed. But one cant learn or even go to school on an empty stomach. It is a vicious circle in practice for those who need education the most.

  18. 27 jens
    October 14, 2009 at 17:02

    @ Jennifer,
    Could that be the complex and insecurity of the little people who have the feeling that the better educated ones look down on them?

    • October 14, 2009 at 17:13

      I know why you asked that question but how would the ones educated look down on the ones that are not?

      • 29 Jennifer
        October 14, 2009 at 17:30

        This is simple! Because they think they know so much more and if only those not as educated were as informed as they were. That and they want to “help” those with less than themselves…

      • 30 Krupa Thakrar
        October 16, 2009 at 12:29

        Hi Nathan
        I’m so happy to see you post on our blog. I went to Brentside High School and 6th Form – I was head girl 8 years ago! I now work on the World Have Your Say team. I’m really looking forward to meeting you today at the BBC studio. I have so many questions – is Mr. Stevenson still there?!

    • 31 Jennifer
      October 14, 2009 at 17:29

      Hi!!!!! From all the way down here!!!!!

      There’s no denying the importance of education. However, there is academia and then there is the world in which we live. Merging both is difficult for some! What makes me curious is all the “educated” people that think they have to pity help the little people because they know oh so much more. That may be true; but then there is a disconnect from true issues. Some people are not only educated in the education system but the school of life.

  19. 32 Jessica in NYC
    October 14, 2009 at 18:23

    WHYS already did a show on his subject, I thought.

    There are some professions that require one to be “over” educated and that is a good thing. If a doctor need to cut me open to deal with some form of rear thingy inside my body, you better believe that I will be check education credentials and looking for doctors with an extensive education.

    Not everything is a life a death matter, so to continue with a coffee example given above. I’m not coffee “expert”, so when my relative asked for nice coffee for this birthday that you wouldn’t be able to buy in Texas where he lives, I went to a small mama & papa (AKA boutique) shop. There the sales person was be able to explain why I should care about the dirt the coffee is gown in or why I need to keep the beans in freezer until I traveled to Texas. It’s a good thing those sales people were over educated about coffee, because is makes the business successful.

  20. 33 jens
    October 14, 2009 at 18:37

    i know academics that are detached, because they know their field and that is pretty much it. i don’t know any academic, who pities the little people. sure i want to pass on my knowledge, but heck i am certainly going to force it upon anybody.

    there are also many “little” people who are proud of being ignorant, which i think is much worse/dangerouse than somebody who wants to learn.

  21. 34 Anita
    October 14, 2009 at 19:59

    I think you can’t be over educated.

    The more you know, the better job you get, the more oppertunities and the more money you earn.

    I think that with extra knowledge you can go further in life.

    • October 15, 2009 at 05:56

      If only money was the only motivation in life. I suppose it is for most people, no wonder there is so much bad education. On both sides of the school bench.

      • 36 Anita
        October 16, 2009 at 12:18

        In the world today, unfortunately money can ‘buy’ happiness. With money, one is given the choice between: work, leisure, activities, level of education, ect.

        So basically money = freedom.

        It’s great when one has the choice to decide whether they would like to be over educated or not.

      • 37 Tom K in Mpls
        October 16, 2009 at 19:59

        Anita, yes, money = freedom. But not even freedom guarantees happiness. That is found within. And more education will sometimes bring happiness to some people. Because of the uncertainty, public education should remain practical and stick to the basics. But of course, go for what ever works for you, if you can afford it. That is what life is about. But others need to decide for themselves.

    • 38 Krupa Thakrar
      October 16, 2009 at 12:51

      Hi Anita, Krupa here from the BBC. I just responded to Nathan. Looking forward to meeting you both tonight. I’ll be reading the emails on air. I went to Brentside High School too so will be great to talk to you guys about school life is going.

  22. 39 Elina
    October 15, 2009 at 11:23

    Personally, I don’t think we can be over educated. I live in a country (Finland) where education is valued very highly and it is free from primary levels all the way to the higher (postgraduate) degrees. Schools and universities are financed by taxes, which are high — but education is considered, not just as a way to get better jobs, but as one of the basic human social rights and indeed an important factor for equality between people and an overall peaceful development of the society.

  23. 40 John
    October 15, 2009 at 14:50

    It depends on how you define education. I left school with a couple of A levels and took an accountancy qualification on day release while working for a living. Shortly after I began the institute moved to an all degree intake. Three years down the road and people my age, with a degree, were starting where I had been three years previously. From a career viewpoint their time had been wasted, hopefully they got some personal satisfaction. On the other hand throughout my working life I have learnt new things, how to use computers, how to read contracts, how large projects are managed etc etc. My experience has been that any formal education becomes quickly obsolete, if it was ever relevant, but one needs to learn continuously because of the speed at which the world is changing.

  24. 41 Anthony
    October 15, 2009 at 16:59

    @ Jessica in NYC

    There are some stupid, stupid people, that this doesn’t help. You’re right, it isn’t just about the job, but would you rather have a moron who can work well, or a below average knowledge person who can’t land a job?

    -Anthony, LA, CA

  25. 42 Anthony
    October 15, 2009 at 17:02

    @ Jessica in NYC

    And I was talking about the STUPID degrees that people waste their money on. They get out of college in debt $100,000 making 8 bucks an hour and complain why they can’t get a “good job”. They are making the next bubble which will burst just as our economy gets back on track.

    -Anthony, LA, CA

    • 43 Tom K in Mpls
      October 15, 2009 at 18:24

      Hmmm, I may have been wrong in my reply above. Anthony, why don’t you use the reply button, it helps. Personally, if someone can afford something and wants it, I think they *should* do it. But if it is public money, a grant or a defaulted loan, that is a huge problem.

      And yes, unreasonable debt was what caused the Crash of ’29 and the current economic crisis.

      • 44 Jessica in NYC
        October 15, 2009 at 19:22

        Hi Anthony,

        Absolutely, true that unnecessary debt is irresponsible, but that is not the topic at hand. The question is about being over educated. My experience is that people with impractical degrees for “everyday jobs” such as Latin is that they did not pay for them. Those degrees are usually covered by merit based scholarships or parents.

        The points people should have the access to an education and a choice learn a trade or earn a degree.

  26. October 15, 2009 at 20:58

    As a craftsman of 35 years standing, having written nvqs,having observed the uks education system at close hand, i feel that training is the correct word to use, not education.
    In the field of making it is not expected that an individual should make their living from what they produce, instead their living comes from teaching or working within the arts system as administrators.
    It is allmost as if the crafts that are being taught in the uk are selected on the basis of cost and gender.

  27. 46 Dennis Junior
    October 16, 2009 at 05:50

    Yes, I think that we are over-educated…..And, what can be done about it?

    ~Dennis Junior~

  28. 47 Tan Boon Tee
    October 16, 2009 at 12:10

    What a naĂŻve question? How can one be overeducated?

    For each child who has received some 9 to 10 years of basic education, there is another child who might not even know what a school is.

    There is no limit to education, especially life-long education. However, the irony is the ever-increasing and exorbitant fees of so-called good and quality education have made education inaccessible to most children. And that is utterly ridiculous when it is the basic rights of children to go to school at all level of their choice as long as they are capable.

  29. 48 Ibrahim in UK
    October 16, 2009 at 12:20

    Can you call it “over-education”? Or is it more the balance of what is being taught?
    There is accademic education, and there is social education. Are students being burdened with the “heavy” accademic education from too soon an age to the detriment of their social education. (e.g Sweden starts school at around 7 years old).
    That’s not to say that we can copy and paste the Swedish template in every other country. The education system is a product of the society, and vice versa.

  30. 49 Dennis Junior
    October 16, 2009 at 12:45

    But, in today’s society in theory; You need more education than you did many decades ago….

    ~Dennis Junior~

  31. 50 Nigel
    October 16, 2009 at 13:03

    There is a view that a university degree only qualifies you to learn from and use the lessons of time and experience. The latter part of learning never stops, experience grows until we die and in that regard we can never be over educated. However many people come out of uni with the view that they have paid their dues and are owed a living on the basis of study only….wrong!……quite often they are over educated and quite out of touch with what is required to first get a job and then succeed.

  32. 51 Steve in Boston
    October 16, 2009 at 13:47

    Who would ask such question?

    Democracy does not work without an educated populace. Ignorant, short-sighted voters will vote for whomever promises them the most free handouts every time.

    Now that I think about it, that’s the strategy of Democrats and socialists around the world and throughout history, isn’t it? No wonder they’re afraid of educating the masses. And no wonder WHYS poses the question.

  33. 52 Tony from Singapura
    October 16, 2009 at 14:08

    “…no point studying right through to university, if there aren’t any jobs to do when you graduate?”

    This is an incorrect statement – even if there are not enough jobs available when you graduate now, later in life (maybe only 5 years later ) – there could be jobs available that you will need that degree for.

    When I employ people, only candidates with a degree get past my waste paper bin.

    Young People – if you can afford it, even if you can’t – go to University and get your degree when you are young, its only 3-4 years which is not much considering you are all expected to live past 100 years.

  34. 53 Tony from Singapura
    October 16, 2009 at 14:16

    Education is one of the important fundamentals of a developed country and society. Degradation in the education standards will result in degradation in the living standard of that society.

    If you look at the growth in India in the IT & medical sectors, it is all due to high emphasis on eductaion in that country. Education is a very fundamental pre-requisite to ecomnomic growth.

    if you shirk on eductaion now, for yourself or your children, future generations of your family could end up enjoying pounded tree bark and steamed grass as their staple diet.

  35. 54 Colin Sundaram
    October 16, 2009 at 15:06

    16. 10. 09

    Dear Ros,

    First of all an individual or the whole population of the world has to understand that education or higher education or super qualification is not just for earning an income for living or to hold a reckoned position but it has other purposes in life to lead a better life with an enhanced capacity to know or recognize the changing world. How many people in this world can understand or comprehend the big bang theory? Every one can be comfortable with the belief that Adam and Eve and the age old story! Education or better education or advanced education will help people to extricate themselves from the millenia old foolish beliefs and concomitant traditions to live a life more suitable to a changing world. Education helps people to be more tolerant and realistic to face new challenges in the ever changing world.

  36. 55 John Henry - Trinidad and Tobago
    October 16, 2009 at 15:14

    Education brings life and meaning to the old adage – “the world is your oyster.”

    The challenge that people and countries have to face is not if populations are over educated but rather whether the study choices made by individuals within a society were the rigjht ones.

    There is no such thing as over-education. There may however be too many or not enough people educated in particular fields. The need for a particular type of education should be driven by community needs and this should be supported by inputs from national and global institutions designed to advise in these specific areas.

    Religion and politics aside, the real challenge is attitudinal! Educated or not, attitude dictates the pace of development individually, communally and globally.

    In fact, it may be more correct to say that we are under-educated.

  37. October 16, 2009 at 15:14

    Education should help children learn what will be useful for them later in life. But it’s unhealthy to cram them with learning at the expense of their childhood in which they are made to work rather than enjoying playing.

    In Morocco, the education system is still full of shortcomings. There are a lot of things to learn but not enough teaching materials or space to accommodate adequate learning. Overcrowded classes have become a common feature in the majority of schools. Because of poverty and distance from schools, many students drop out before they end middle school.

    The problem with education isn’t quenching the thirst to learn, but it is administering the adequate drops, for learners not to be overstaffed or delivered poor teaching.

  38. 57 Debanjana Chakraborty
    October 16, 2009 at 15:24


    I do support that it is required that we start working at a young age. The basic schooling is required but growth in any field with out any hands on experience does not count. The hunger to learn is a magnificent thing that I observed going on all around the world but when we are capable enough to work and support our parents and family we should start working. The zeal and passion that we have at a young age give us many opportunities to learn new things and help us building our career in our way. And no need to mention about the proudness & satisfaction that we gather in due course.

  39. 58 nora
    October 16, 2009 at 16:19

    Knowledge is what we pass on when we educate. Skills are passed on. How can we think this should be limited given the challenges the planet faces? As a child laborer, I valued every bit of knowledge that came my way, so I learned to work and study. My friends who could concentrate on school had more time for fun, which kids need too. In balance lies the good life.

  40. 59 Krunal Patel
    October 16, 2009 at 16:44

    Education is shifting to a whole new paradigm. Students are not expected to work of there interests, but rather what career would bring in the most income. The emphasis on learning is being loss, and has been so for a while.

    As a practicing professor of fine arts; students are losing interest in their learnings and just learning for the sake of receiving an degree. Education Needs to mold itself around a students strengths and interests.

    We are only hindering their ability to excel, Secondary school levels need to seek out these strengths and interests and direct them towards a career that would best suit them and be a working part of our society.

  41. 60 Julia in Portland
    October 16, 2009 at 16:46

    Questions for the students

    Do you think education should help to build character and integrity or just teach hard facts and theory? Do you think the current system they are in builds personal character?

  42. October 16, 2009 at 16:48

    I think education is important and it is important to have an even spread of books and applying what you learn in those books. What wrong with going out and seeing first hand animals in nature? What wrong with viewing the birds and insects that you’ve been learning about in the classroom?

    I think it’s good to have a well rounded educational system.

    To agree with Tom, the young man from England on the program right now, education is not for everyone. There are certain things that you can’t learn in a classroom but I think there such things as options. You might no take the full traditional route but we live in a time where you can take online courses, take a session at a University.

    Looking back at my University days I realized there were things that were actually a waste of time, there are things I learned about my field that I got through experience and there are things that I could never learn unless I had gone to school.

  43. October 16, 2009 at 16:51

    Oh my!! Susan we have the same problem in my country. I got a scholarship from the Government on the basis thatI would be given a job when I returned and when I got home NO JOB. Not to mention I want to start my own company, my own job and I have been discouraged but foreigners are encouraged. It’s frustrating.

  44. October 16, 2009 at 16:52

    I met a shop keeper in Ambala,Haryana,India who said his son had never been to his shop ,because he was afraid that his sons studies would be ruined if he was exposed to the real world of work,he might lose his academic edge,better to keep in an academic bubble

  45. 64 Oliver
    October 16, 2009 at 16:52

    I so agree with zeyki, here in germany we just study for the grades and the teachers, though everbody says “you just do it for yourself”, but there are so many useless things we’re learning e.g. in math lessons, well you do need these things if you become a mathematician of maths teacher, but otherwise it’s just some kind of torture for those who just don’t understand it. the same goes for subjects as history, everybody says it’s general knowledge, but when do you need to know things about napoleon or what happened to the holy roman empire or such things? its just senseless (from my point of view)… if somebody thinks it’s interesting well go look for those information youself, it’s all on the internet, but everybody else… well as i said, it’s all for the grades…

    Oliver S.
    WĂĽrselen, Germany

  46. 65 israel
    October 16, 2009 at 16:57

    here in ethiopia we are definitely not overeducated because wehaven’t even learned half the theory we should know let alone practice

  47. October 16, 2009 at 17:03

    I am a strong believer in challenges/stimulation of the mind-espically from a young age. It is crucial to develop a smart mind.

    I would’nt say we are over educated, but i do belive that todays generation is to obsessed with getting good grades and weve forgetten the most important things in life like how to be a good friend, caring for the planet, teaching sound morals, and most importantly religion and the commandments of our lord. Amen & God bless

  48. 67 viola
    October 16, 2009 at 17:13

    Some here have pointed out the difference between training and education. Some believe that only training should be publicly-funded. Couple this with polls that suggest that more education equals more happiness– they haven’t asked that question about training. It is so widely perceived that training and education are exactly the same.

    Does that imply that those who don’t have enough resources to access higher education’s happiness are not entitled to seek happiness from that particular pursuit?

  49. 68 1430a
    October 16, 2009 at 17:24

    Hello everyone,

    How come I didn’t get to speak on this topic?I’m a high school kid too!

    Anyways,I do think we are over-educated in this part of the world(Asia).Most students carry heavy bags and go to school and all they do at school is study,study and study!Very few schools actually offer extra-curricular activities and other courses like personality development.

    However,in the western world you find more of extra-curricular and more things than just studying.

    Just my view though!



  50. 70 Mabwai Wycliff
    October 16, 2009 at 20:04

    As a Kenyan undergraduate student i certainly feel the pressure of the ever changing benchmarks on the levels of qualifications one needs to be deemed competent or in the very least find employment, are we over educated, i think not its only that we are forced to go through irrelevant courses that are not in any way related to the jobs or careers we intend to pursue. Thanks!!

  51. October 16, 2009 at 20:29

    I feel that we all are well educated people, and we have to share our knowledge to the poor nations of the third world’s people to help them.

    October 16, 2009 at 20:32

    Learning is a good thing for one desiring to advance upward in society and the know. However, it requires some goal or rather a focus point before it gets pointless for I fear that one might come to realize that they really never lived when they come to the very end of life. There so much stuff I would like to unlearn so that I can perceive the world clearly. It is very vital so that I do not lose touch with real life.
    The current educational overdrive is too idealistic sometimes to a fault. But I do want to go back to the mountain forest this Sunday to find out how the insects are faring after the drought besides reading all your wonderful postings on this blog. Thats learning enough learning for now.

  53. October 16, 2009 at 20:36

    I know exactly what you mean, especially those heavy back-packs little children have to carry these days. I created a cartoon of a young girl carrying a heavy bag titled, ‘Coolie Schoolie’. Since finding proper jobs after is also very doubtful.

    Education in Asia is not as good as in the West, because its usually an inferior imitation of the same. But the truth is, almost everywhere education is lagging behind. In India for example in the olden days the ‘Gurukul’ system, where the education from the beginning was specialised and students lived with the teacher. It was a good system but in today’s fast moving commercial world such things are no more possible.

  54. 74 John LaGrua/New York
    October 16, 2009 at 20:40

    Sententia est potentia .All knowledge has value and impacts one’s ability to analyze and resolve life problems.”Give a man afish and he has a meal ;teach him to fish and he eats all his life ( Lao Tzu) Knowledge can lead to wisdom and perhaps to contentment..A balanced liberal education enhances the individual’s ability to become a sentient ,productive member of a civilized society

  55. 75 J.peterson
    October 17, 2009 at 11:50

    You,really need to understand education from the inside:as it were. The notion that our children are over educated is an untruth. If you look at Asia or closer to home to our cousins from Scandinavia:you will see a different attitude both towards Teachers and curricula.Supportive would be the key word that springs to mind.
    In Primary education we are moving away from random facts and unrelated disciplines.We are facilitating group work ,key skills targets and the taboo known as the thematic curriculum.(what goes around comes around).
    Some excellent devised, researched posts on this forum are well written,some others are quite frankly uneducated mumblings of disgruntled parents et al.

  56. October 17, 2009 at 14:28

    Have your say team thanks a lot! This has been one of the best subjects that you’ve had. I really like the different points of view on it. Very mind opening.

  57. 78 Dennis Junior
    October 18, 2009 at 20:40

    In my earlier remarks….I think that there is not enough education, you can get. But for most people the cost of it can be overwhelming.

    ~Dennis Junior~
    Dryden, New York

  58. October 19, 2009 at 11:50

    Over educated? No. We are very under-educated. We got to buck up our educational levels to the levels of those in India and China. Else we would lose out on jobs etc.

    Also, I think that our (American) Society places too low a value on education. A person that dropped out of college is not in that much of a disadvantage as compared to a person that has her College diploma.

    Lastly, even in the non-technical aspect, we are not being educated enough too. For all the challenges in the world, we are lacking the scientists and engineers to deal with the problems we face today. This is true even in the world of Arts. Anyone realized that movie scripts are becoming repetitive?

      November 11, 2009 at 21:00

      With all due respect, I don’t agree with your thoughts. United States is pressing more education in all field. I think we are top in the world as far education is concerned. Students from all around the world are coming to United States to achieve their further education.!!!!!!!

  59. October 19, 2009 at 15:12

    This ‘ have your say’ programme gave me the opportunity to wonder how much I myself and all those who have commented on this subject have really thought about the subject.
    For example isn’t what we accept as education only what society at large has ‘moneypulated’ us to believe what it is? Do we as individuals have an idea what it is and what it ought to be, or are we just giving lip service to what we ourselves have been inculcated into?
    Do we really need what society at large considers education or is it ‘Just another Brick in the Walls’ that seperate us?
    Mass production, Mass consumption and mass education takes away that which makes a human individual unique. Is it what we really want?

  60. October 19, 2009 at 17:07

    Money = Freedom ?
    I can only feel sorry for those who think so. From my experience its the making of money that curtails one’s freedom. Imagine someone who has sex because she enjoys it, as against another who does it for money.

  61. 83 kwlian
    October 28, 2009 at 07:37

    Money = Freedom ? Come on man @.@ , firstly money is not everything but with money u can get satisfaction , and satisfaction is not happiness as everyone assume that as long as you are satisfied you are happy * .

    From my point of view , Happiness can attain when you archieve and maintain inner peace then you get the true happiness .

    ‘ Are we over educated ‘ ? No we’re not , with knowledge we can do any thing we like without having worries and being naive . But education is not our first priority for us as human being , I personally think that to be able to live your life to the fullest without regrets that’s the most successful moment as human being .

    We shouldn’t be forceful and stubborn on forcing our children to be excel in their studies , we should always teach them the general stuffs and skills inorder to create a better future leader who not only excel in their studies but in various sectors . By doing this , we can actually create a holistic new generations so that they can prolong their lifeline .

    I strongly believes that ‘ The root of all evils is Ignorance ‘ and we human beings should always be knowledgable and clear with everything , the negative effects of it and gladly accept the outcome .

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