Archive for July 31st, 2009


Is it time for fat people to fight back?

fatIn a short while Newshour’s Saturday programme will be on air with a close look at the “fat acceptance” movement which has been in the headlines because of President Obama’s choice for Surgeon General, and because reality television has recently embraced fatness with a series of new programmes.
Continue reading ‘Is it time for fat people to fight back?’


On air: Can we trust ourselves not to get into another financial mess?

marketsIf you haven’t been affected by the economic crisis in one way or another, a) you’re very lucky and b) where do you live?! I want to move there!

This past year has seen many of us who don’t really have an interest in the business section of the newspaper sneak a peak to try and make sense of it all.

Every economist was trying to get their head (and ours) around what had happened. Even the Queen of England wanted to know why no one had predicted the crisis? Continue reading ‘On air: Can we trust ourselves not to get into another financial mess?’