Archive for January 6th, 2009


Join our new Facebook Fan Page

Some of the team at the Eden Project

We’re always up for new ways for people to access WHYS. 

 So, we’ve set up a Facebook Fan Page  a) to find out if we actually have any fans and b) where you can pull apart each question we ask, and tell us what you think of the show.

Hopefully, it will complement the blog by being “open all hours”.
Continue reading ‘Join our new Facebook Fan Page’


Help needed…

_45349100_006677635-1 The conflict in Gaza is going to be our main story for the forseeable future.

That means trying to fairly and impartially hear the views of both sides even they both have their own distinct narratives and (in the main) absolute conviction that they are right and that’s the only truth there is.
Continue reading ‘Help needed…’


On Air : Young hearts…

_45348891_gazakids_ap226The tv news channels and the papers have featured images of frightened and injured children on both sides of the conflict in Gaza.

During the war in Lebanon, we spoke to children on both sides- as well as children around the world saying what they felt about the images they were seeing.
Continue reading ‘On Air : Young hearts…’