
Your reaction to what’s happening in Haiti

Today’s subject may not be very specific as some we choose, but we wanted to make room for the multiple reactions, emotions and issues that you’re talking about with regards to Haiti. These are some of the questions you raise…

Have you been surprised at how restrained so many Haitians are being in such trying circumstances?

Are you angry that some of those stealing from shops are preventing aid reaching certain areas?

Are you angry that aid has not reached some areas whatever the reasons?

Are you tiring of the amount of Haiti coverage?

Do you feel the media is spending a disproportionate amount of time on Haiti, bearing in mind the problems of other countries?

Are you feel inspired by the pictures of survivors being pulled from the rubble? Or do the good news stories disguise the fact that many are not being found even though they may still be alive?

And if you’re Haitian (whether in Haiti or outside) we would still welcome you telling us your stories.

83 Responses to “Your reaction to what’s happening in Haiti”

  1. January 21, 2010 at 16:17

    it is said that when christ was crucified he said may the almighty forgive for they know not what they are doing ,if christ is here today he will be crucified once again but it will be on a golden cross and will be telecasted all over the world live and christ will say almighty forgive them for they know what they are doing this what we have progessed in our civilization since 2000 years,so in haiti people still alive in the rubble is the most unfortunate and the rehabilitation of the victims and people will take a decade for uptill know this is the worst disaster ever in the history.

  2. 3 gary indiana
    January 21, 2010 at 16:17

    Re your question: Have you been surprised at how restrained so many Haitians are being in such trying circumstances?
    When every circumstance of one’s existence is trying, particular ones aren’t all that remarkable. This natural disaster, and its magnification by Haiti’s poverty, suggests global efforts are needed both to enhance emergency preparedness and to diminish poverty.

  3. January 21, 2010 at 16:30

    My organisation is developing a building block that is very light and easy to build with. If a similar product is used to rebuild Haiti then if ever there was another earthquake the loss of life would be minimal and as even large blocks can be moved by hand they are easy to rebuild. The planning of the rebuilding program needs to be well thought out to avoid similar tragedies happening in the future.

  4. January 21, 2010 at 16:31

    If anybody has read William Golding’s ‘Lord of the Flies’ then they would get an understanding of what is happening in Haiti. It’s perfectly natural to take anything you can in a dire survival situation. That is not to say it helps officials on the ground, however shooting and killing somebody that’s trying to survive or for a little shop lifting or looting is criminal and disgusting. Will the shops not be rebuilt, will the goods not be replenished, with the forthcoming millions in Aid. Seriously get a grip people. Pay the men that can work a daily wage in hand with a percentage kept in arrears for when the banks finally get back on line. wages would be given on level of expertise, e.g Foreman, supervisor, work force. Arrange a pick up point in the morning and drop off point at night and get them rebuilding the infrastructure. Have the women take care of the children and the injured. This might restore some stability and occupy their minds in a positve way.

    The Oracle

  5. 6 T
    January 21, 2010 at 16:34

    What’s one of the worst parts of the MSM’s coverage? Not once has anyone talked about these things:

    The long history of occupation and manipulation of Haiti by the States
    The coup against Aristede that forced him into exile in South Africa.
    The absurdity of having two former Presidents that were key in Aristede’s ouster acting as “Co-Chairman” to help bring aid to Haitians.

    Sorry WHYS. But you missed these as well.

    • 7 Spence
      January 21, 2010 at 18:55

      I would also add that no MSM are reporting the truth concerning the objectives of USA troop deployment! Why the total silence in relation to the Vigilant Sentry Operation? Why is there complete silence on the USA mission to ‘contain and control’ population to prevent a mass migration event to Florida? This is the purpose of USA troops in Haiti – and the ONLY reason why aid is not being distributed, why equipment necessary for rescue did not arrive in time, why aid flights are not being unloaded, why the road to DR is not full of trucks, why the people of Haiti are dying through lack of medical supplies! This has been turned into a ‘Homeland Security’ Operation by the USA government to prevent a ‘mass migration event’ It really is that simple!

      • 8 James Ian
        January 22, 2010 at 07:19

        Good, I hope some of that is true, it’s about time the government did something to protect our borders. Sounds like a win/win deal to me, the hatians get help and our borders get guarded.
        To think I was starting the get mad because of all the money being spent there, It’s nice to know that it’s really about protection and not about giving money we don’t have to help people who hate us anyway.

    • 9 Tom K in Mpls
      January 21, 2010 at 22:13

      Those facts have nothing to do with what is needed now. You preach while they suffer.

    • 10 Colleen
      January 22, 2010 at 02:29

      Have any of you ever even been to Haiti?
      By your remarks, it tells me NO.
      I love opinions by those who have absolutely NO idea what other countries are like, how they live, who supports them, who GIVES the most, and yet they have plenty to say.

      Please……. envy, jealousy of any country, is very unattractive. If all were as giving as America, there would not be nearly the suffering.
      You all sit there spewing your PC crap, and do nothing.
      I have been there many times over the years.
      Thank God for the United States Of America.

      We do the most for all and always have.
      Shame on all of you.

      These are the facts…UNDISPUTABALE FACTS.

    • 11 James Ian
      January 22, 2010 at 07:25

      Yeah, why did we get involved in that anyway?
      I guess it could have been because of all the people fleeing there and comming to the US. I guess it could have been the US trying to do something to stop that mass flow of Haitian refugees hitting the boarder.
      At least I hope that was it and not some greedy extortion scheme like we have done in the middle east.

      • 12 Spence
        January 22, 2010 at 10:56

        The real issue concerning USA troop involvement is the question of whether Operation Vigilant Sentry puts prevention of mass migration before the needs of Haitians to receive aid, food, water and medical assistance! I think this is a serious issue because it appears the value of a Haitian life is superseded by the nature of the Military Operation! If USA intentions are hampering aid agencies/NGOs ability to deliver relief because of a perceived threat of a mass migration event, then the actions of the USA are on very fragile moral ground! Its a real moral dilemma!

  6. 13 Gary Paudler
    January 21, 2010 at 16:47

    It is interesting to me how surprised we are at the forbearance of the Haitian people in not resorting to anger and violence in response to their privations and what must seem like a very slow response. It would be wonderful to think that people anywhere would be so patient and cooperative, but I don’t think that they would. Here in affluent society there seems to be a sense of entitlement and we’re used to having what we want, now. I’d love to be wrong, but it’s hard to imagine the people of many cities staying as calm for as long as have the people in Port Au Prince.

  7. January 21, 2010 at 16:49

    The crisis in Haiti is so tragic and there has to be a pooling of minds especially of experts to see how Haiti could be helped immediately as well as in the long run. Brain-storming so as to find constructive ways to rebuild the shattered country. This will be a huge test on powerful nations: Haiti does not have natural resources nor anything else to give in return for the assistance that is pouring in now. Humanitarian assistance is so critical especially for the long haul. Haiti will have to be rebuilt from scratch.

  8. 15 patti in cape coral
    January 21, 2010 at 16:54

    My reaction? Sadness, utter sadness and helplessness. I have some time off, and I was tempted to sign up to give some kind of aid, but I heard on the news that inexperienced people trying to help only get in the way. So I sent the little money I could, rounded up as many supplies and clothes as I could, dropped it off at the donation center, hope it gets to where it is needed, and wring my hands. There have been so many explanations as to whether aid is getting through or not and why it’s taking so long, I don’t really know what to believe.

  9. January 21, 2010 at 16:54


    Not being able to help.

    Seeing so many troops, who could have helped, being used, killed and maimed in wars that need not be.

    Seeing money wasted all over the world, while the poor, not just in this case, are neglected.

    When will we ever learn?

  10. 17 Grahame Shadbolt
    January 21, 2010 at 16:58

    I think its disgraceful that with all the wealthy nations in the world, both east and west, that together they have failed to such a pathetic extent – to respond effectively and quickly to this crisis. With all the disasters, human tradgedies, starvations and genocides that we have experienced in the last 40 years how is it that state organisations can still fail so dismally.

    But my main point is this! How can the world continue to tolerate the executive and corporate greed that exists to share amongst themselves grotesque bonuses (not just bankers) – when there is so much distress around the world – and distress that can be relieved so easily if large monetary resources were more easily available for these incidents. Someone must pay for the medical care, the drugs, the rice, the logistics, the distribution – and the fact is there is lots of money available. 50 bn for bankers, come on – just think of the care, drugs and resources these fat cats deprive the world of. Never forget these riches are earn’t from enormous numbers of small depts and taxes – from the greater mass of those who do NOT earn high wages for their labours.

  11. 18 Bert
    January 21, 2010 at 17:00

    In times like this, looting to get some food can hardly be considered a crime. More like basic survival instinct.

    However, my general reaction is one of frustration. Not so much for what has happened in the aftermath of the quake, which I think is going about as well as can be expected, but for what was going on for decades and centuries BEFORE.

    Perpetual basket case conditions frustrate me, even more so when I see the blame being spread in all the wrong directions.

  12. 19 Claire
    January 21, 2010 at 17:03

    I am so upset that more cannot be done in Haiti. Its such a tiny island yet, people are dying in hoards like flies. In 2010 is there really so little that can be done?

  13. 20 Dr.G.Mohan
    January 21, 2010 at 17:08

    There are lots of victims with serious injuries needing sophisticated medical treatment.With so many cargo planes landing daily, why was no effort made to ferry these victimes to neighbouring Jamaica or Cuba or Florida,USA as a sheer humanitarian gesture? Surely with the delay in setting up mobile hospitals like the issues faced by ‘Doctors Without Borders’, more serious patients could have been airlifted out?India is the world’s third largest superpower and has medical personell of great calibre and yet none of them to help on ground in Haiti unlike China.Why?Japan should assist Haiti in building earthquake resistant homes as it has the capability.

  14. 21 John Henry - Trinidad and Tobago
    January 21, 2010 at 17:15

    My reaction to your question/s is to ask –

    Why did Europe and America deliberately prevent Hati’s economic and social development via political, economic and social interventions that lasted for centuries?

    Even if you disagree with the authors of Haiti’s history – the slaves defeated Napoleon on two occasions – why is it that in the 20th century Haiti was treated as an unwanted challenge/problem to be largely ignored even though both France and America were acutely aware of its disasterous plight?

    I feel that Haiti – a country populated by people of African descent – was ignored because of the make up of its population.

    Today, now that a natural disaster has struck, the world is realising that Haiti is populated by human beings!

    Now is the time to focus on Haiti. However I feel that this disaster should serve as a wake up call to all who wish to reverse the concept of man’s inhumanity to man (anyone ever heard about the Dalits in India?).

    To all those nations, NGOs’ and other organizations and individuals assisting the people of Haiti do NOT ask the question – “what’s in it for me.”

  15. 22 Idris Dangalan
    January 21, 2010 at 17:21

    Cried when I watched live report on BBC and CNN but the most interesting part of it, is how over-developed,developing,under-developing and un-developed nations assist Haitians. In my view people’s concern is real irrespective of skin color.

  16. 23 SAMSOM
    January 21, 2010 at 17:29

    Hi. The media should be careful to report the plight of the Haitians accurately.
    Stop accusing USA and the world. Do us a favor by reporting proffessionally.


  17. 24 Tom D Ford
    January 21, 2010 at 17:53

    I suggest that a bigger earthshaking thing happened today when the US Supreme Court gave The Corporate State a more solid foothold in the US and consequently the world by creating a new “Constitutional Right” giving Corporations monetary “Free Speech” in politics. This will do incredible damage in the long term to human rights in the US and all around the world.

    Pieces of paper called “Corporations” legally have “personhood” just like actual living and breathing human beings and now they can freely spend money to influence politics.

    Benito Mussolini and his WW2 AXIS partners dreams of The Corporate State are being brought into being in the US.

    Search on “The Corporate State” or “The Corporative State” if you want to see what Mussolini defined it to be.

    • 25 Archibald in Oregon
      January 21, 2010 at 19:53

      That is quite disturbing Tom, sounds like the subject of at least an entire show on WHYS. This has been in the works for many decades, it figures that it would be pushed through while so many are distracted with other more pressing matters abroad. It is sad to see how many have taken full advantage of this Haiti crisis to push forth their own selfish agendas, while others die in droves. The wonderful world of Facism…..

  18. 26 Joe Soap
    January 21, 2010 at 17:54

    Can any one tell me if the Disasters Emergency Committee has done anything at all with the donations received?

    Will this be like The Tsunami when two years later 80% of the money collected was still in their bank account!

  19. January 21, 2010 at 17:55

    The poor Haitians on a smaller portion of this beautiful island have cut all trees in the past and overbuilt without regards to conservative landscaping,water supply, traffic congestion etc.-As Papa Duc was once trusted to do miracles,so life went on at a growth rate of 4%/a.or doubling all twenty years.This is in line with the African states with their present enormous problems,as the gross national products are not growing at the same rate, but with generally more room for expansion and agriculture.Like in Bangladesh people just live it up until the normal variations on this planet (earthquakes,climate change,continent movings,meteors etc.) show that humans are developing as all the other living nature around, in conjunction with what the planet can offer for a while. The whole of humanity lasts just as long, as a day in the life of an 80years old man,when compared to the lifetime of the planet.-Let us get down to the 1 and less %/a growth rate of the industrial states and plan for a less crowded humanity.

  20. 28 Rob C
    January 21, 2010 at 18:12

    After this over I expect someone will write a how-to-guide on how NOT to
    run an emergency relief campaign, which will be should be required reading for all UN staffers, media conglomerates, aid organizations and various sundry NGO’s – the US military, however, will still be reading from the same field manual,
    while the Haitian government should be gifted with ‘Columbian neckties’ by the Haitian people themselves for outstanding service with respect to disaster relief.

  21. 29 John in Salem
    January 21, 2010 at 18:22

    I’m impressed by so many Haitians showing a remarkable degree of grace under extreme pressure, even when they don’t understand why aid can be so long in coming.
    I’m also impressed by how quickly aid is being delivered given the thousands of things that have to be done, without snags, in order for it to happen.
    That being said, I think we can do better in the future. We KNOW these kinds of things are going to happen periodically and we know how critical the first hours can be – it shouldn’t have to be a mad scramble to put things together every time.

  22. January 21, 2010 at 18:37

    I am quite amazed at how well the people of Haiti are behaving,very good.I really love to see people being rescued,it raises my spirits tremendously.I would be angry that aid is not reaching some people,esp,rural,as there are helicopters,and soldiers to accompany them.As far as looters are concerned,I have seen them operate in America,Uk,Europe,Africa and anywhere during civil disturbance,it happens.If looting had been widespread we would have seen it.the media would not miss that.Haitians have behaved excellently.

  23. 31 Kiplimo fred
    January 21, 2010 at 18:42

    The world is in peril.May good God 4give looters,they dn’t know what they are doing.Haitians!don’t feign affection in God,HE had a reason why it was so.We are so much sorry

  24. 32 Alan in Arizona
    January 21, 2010 at 18:46

    I’m pissed off!

    I want to know why former Presidents and other “Special” people are getting off plans with empty arms.

    This isn’t a tourist event, fill your hands with assistance supplies and make yourselves useful.

  25. 33 John in Salem
    January 21, 2010 at 18:50

    I would just like to add –
    If we’re serious about this “war on terror” it would be in our best interests to help Haiti become economically independent – right now it is exactly the kind of place that groups like al-Queda go to recruit new members, a place that is full of people who have little to live for.

  26. 34 Asim
    January 21, 2010 at 18:54

    What is happening in hattie is sad, but the media is too focused on it skipping other important issues.. All the stars r involved to raise funds and it’s like a fashion for them as doing somthing for a good cause n the media is doing there publicity more than it should b to get more audience rather than focusing on the haiti disaster

  27. 35 steve/oregon
    January 21, 2010 at 19:02

    Yes i am very surprised at how restrained the haitians are behaving.

    I cant fault people from taking things (looting) especially if it is for survival.

    No im not angry aid hasn’t reached everyone that is what happens in extreme crisis in countries with no infrastructure.

    You have no idea of how tired i am of hearing about hati.

    Yes the media is wasting too much time on Hati I care about what is going on in the rest of the world.

    No i am not inspired by seeing pictures of survivors. they are no differnt then others who have survived a major crisis.

    I am very disappointed that the US has taken over with the current state of our economy and military i feel we should have said sry hati we gotta take care of our own first. especially since half of the world is complaining about how we are handling it.

  28. January 21, 2010 at 19:03

    Natural disasters are a moment to show the degree of humanitarian solidarity. Aid is sent for humanitarian purposes when politics is put aside. It will be better if humanitarian solidarity is shown all over the world and all the time in countries affected by the continuous calamities of poverty which are similar to the effect of a natural disaster.

  29. 37 Shannon in Ohio
    January 21, 2010 at 19:07

    I have, of course, followed the Haiti coverage closely and felt that mixture of frustration and helplessness as I watched so many suffer, but I am just as concerned about the fact that earthquake news will, at some point, cease to be the story du jour for the press. Then what? Many are talking about long term help to rebuild–and improve–the nation, but the world’s past neglect leaves me feeling less than encouraged.

  30. 38 Rob C
    January 21, 2010 at 19:13

    Moonie should aknowledge the UN `peacekeepers` who were in Haiti before, during and after the earthquake, by re-issuing them with special canary yellow hats in recognition of their exemplary service.

  31. 39 Alan in Arizona
    January 21, 2010 at 19:26

    That was getting off PLANES with empty arms!

    Sorry for the misspelled word.

  32. 40 Philip, New York
    January 21, 2010 at 19:44

    I think the media reporting from Haiti has become stale. We are hearing repeatedly how the aid is not getting through but no reporting organisation seems to be able to explain exactly why.
    Could it possibly be that trying to feed, house and support over three million people in a country that now has no infrastructure is extra ordinarily difficult. Has our growing predilection for instant gratification warped our expectations of what is possible within certain time frames.
    I think that the BBC could do a better job of exploring why distributing the aid might be so difficult.

  33. 41 Carole in OR
    January 21, 2010 at 19:45

    I disagree that the press should get out; the coverage is spawing an oupouring of aid. Not only do we need to turn this into an opportunity for Haiti, but prove that the world community, especially the US, can respond compassionately and appropriately, without political or economic gains expected.

  34. 42 Tom D Ford
    January 21, 2010 at 19:47

    I am encouraged by how many people all around the world are demonstrating that they care about their fellow human beings in Haiti and want to help.

    This so different from the Bush/Cheney years of the PNAC, The Project For The New American Century, which set out to, in the words of its’ mission statement, to “Dominate the World”.

    We need to cooperate with each other throughout the world, not have some individual nation Dominate and bully others around.

    This has helped restore my faith in The People”, my faith that most people are willing to help out their fellow human beings if they are only given the opportunity.

    Let’s just figure out ways to do it better, let’s Wage Peace on the peoples of the world, because it is a far better thing to do and a more effective way to invest our hard earned tax dollars.

    • 43 Bert
      January 21, 2010 at 22:59

      Actually, no, Tom. It was not “dominate the world,” but rather “exercise leadership.”

      So the current policy in Haiti is still the same : US leadership in the rescue effort. There, so does that turn you against it now?

      You see, everything can be made into an exercise in semantics. What might be interpreted as caring and wonderful can be twisted into self serving.

  35. January 21, 2010 at 19:54

    Trinidad radio callers were this morning complaining that the international media was downplaying the Haiti. Not enough coverage. Ros you can’t win

  36. 45 Dr. Anafidelia Tavares
    January 21, 2010 at 20:04

    Thanks so much for having me on the program tonight and letting me share my perspective.

    Like many other children of Haiti, I am focused on how I can do my little bit to help Haiti recover. I am sending aid to smaller NGOs like H.E.L.P Inc run by Dr Michel Brutus. He is in Port au Prince right now tending to earthquake victims. The aid has not arrived. He has run out of medical supplies but he is still out there trying to help. He has been working for more than 18 years as a doctor and tending to the poor of Haiti. So he is struggling to save the lives of his countrymen and survive in the aftermath of this earthquake and . So any that are interested in providing concrete help to this nonprofit NGO can email me at helpinconline@gmail.com

    I know alot of people are overwhelmed and cant watch the situation anymore. Others just want to do ANYTHING to help. I know that my reaction is overwhelmed but focused on being a part of the solution. I thank you all for the help you have already rendered to the people of Haiti. And I hope that you will continue to keep the people of Haiti as the focus of your positive thoughts, actions and prayers.

  37. 46 Stephen Saio Gibateh
    January 21, 2010 at 20:30

    Though very troubled with events in Haiti, one thing makes me happy; the interest people showed towards the crisis. Though very slow in guaranteeing the the actual help the Haitians needed, the response from all over the world shows that the world is a unified state regardless of status.
    One thing I want to suggest to the whole world, that the UN form what I will call “UN EMERGENCY RESCUE FORCE”. This force must be in a 24 hours alert with all necessary logistics for the rapid intervention at crisis like the Haiti situation. This force will respond immediately, matter of hours to reach. Like the world is doing now, preparations will be made for more help to follow later. The point here is that, some form of assistance Must be on the ground whiles the rest of the world gathers herself planing what to do. In that interim, The UN EMERGENCY RESCUE FORCE should have saved alot of souls.

  38. 47 Joerg
    January 21, 2010 at 20:51

    Just as any tragedy, such as drunk driving, drug overdoses, suicides etc…the focus is on the victims.

    As we rescue and help these victims we need to start to plan, not only future reaction plans within the U.N. for devastation such as this, but begin to look at the causes.

    Buildings are the number one reason we have deaths and injuries during these
    events. The U.N. , with the help of Architects and Engineers need to establish some sort of organization that will oversee life safety issues in construction around the world (if not all the buildings, at least schools, hospitals, and public spaces where large masses of people gather and are cared for).

    You say this is too costly…not even close to what it costs to now clean it up and rebuild.

    Some of the government officials, engineers, and builders in Haiti need to face criminal charges, most buildings get built via bribes, payoffs for use of inferior materials and methods, and protection monies so that certain groups do not vandalize their construction sites. Philippines, Mexico, South America WILL have similar disasters soon.

  39. 48 John LaGrua/New York
    January 21, 2010 at 21:00

    Humanitarian aid in crisis is essential but Haiti like other entites are controlled by a selfish power group which provides minimal governance to maintain control.We should not confuse short term aid with long term entanglement .Clinton’s meddling was a waste of resources and should not be repeated. Media coverage emphasis is on the immediate and particularly the US media coverage is shallow and distracts from the really pressing problems facing the world

  40. 49 Joseph A. Migliore
    January 21, 2010 at 22:58

    I am in favor of the extensive media coverage by BBC WHYS of the earthquake aftermath in Haiti. If you have any sense of human compassion, it is very difficult to watch, but necessary. It unifies the international community and it brings a sense of global awareness to the the problems we face in the 21st century; monumental problems such as, poverty, lack of water and infrastructure, the impact of a national disaster with catastrophic consequences.
    Anytime the media can show in an unbiased fashion the horrors and suffering of this natural disaster, it brings awareness to the many problems and hope for the reconciliation process. I wish we would be able to see in the media, more coverage like the Haiti earthquake aftermath, in Gaza and the West Bank, the Palestinian people are suffering as well, under different circumstances and the international community should address there hardships as well on a global stage!

  41. 50 Andrew
    January 22, 2010 at 00:05

    The aid that is being sent to Haiti ought to be attached to small parachutes and dropped, like rain, into the haitian capital. Never mind getting people to wait in line, just get the aid to them by the quickest way possible. At first, people will fight over it, but then when Port au Prince is saturated with bottles of water and food EVERYHERE, the fighting will stop. If it’s not gotten to them soon, there will be fighting anyways, with the UN and other “occupying forces”.

  42. January 22, 2010 at 00:54

    I felt really bad knowing that my brothers and sisters are suffering, and I was helpless to help. Haitians are my people from west Africa. Many of them may have the same fore-fathers as me. When I eat, I feel guilty. And every comfort I enjoy means nothings to me.

  43. 52 Fazeela from Trinidad
    January 22, 2010 at 01:11

    I am disappointed and I daresay, ashamed at the slow and lukewarm reaction by my country’s government to the plight of the Haitian people. In addition, the CARICOM (Caribbean Communities) has an obligation to become involved in rebuilding Haiti.
    It’s been a little over one week and Haiti is still occupying front pages; the media must be commended for keeping the world’s citizens alert to the catastrophe.
    So many people from many parts of the world are getting involved to help alleviate the distress of the Haitian people and it touches me deeply to see this admirable side of human nature.

  44. 53 William Miller
    January 22, 2010 at 01:31

    I am a registered nurse who has been working non-stop since last week to reach Haiti. Reasonable delays, unreasonable red tape, questionable priorities and disorganization as well as a slew of indians sans a chief have left me frustrated and still waiting. While 17,000 US military troops are expected to provide needed relief, security, and supply distribution in Haiti by the end of the day, human beings are dying, MANY slowly in need of very basic medical care as well as life saving surgeries. Nearly 10,000 nurses volunteered in the 72-hours following the earthquake – most of us are @ home. Yesterday, CNN reported from the Port-au-Prince Municipal Nursing Home, revealing the horror of more than 60 elderly demented Hatians slowly dying w/ little or no care or relief since the earthquake struck last week. Over the weekend, while working w/ Registered Nurses Relief Network (RNRN), the government cancelled an initiative to recieve hundreds of highly trained nurses aboard USS Comfort. It took three days to develop this would be plan. Three days wasted. FASTAFF, a national staffing agency was called on to recruit highly trained and skilled nurses who would be briefed in San Antonio, TX, travel via military support to various mobile and make-shift hospitals in Haiti to serve. I was informed yesterday afternoon that FASTAFF nurses will no longer be needed. I have been inspired specifically by an Israeli and alternative grassroot models of relief i.e. Organize, GO and do it!

  45. January 22, 2010 at 02:41

    Of course, the earthquake was a terrible catastrophe. But what I find outrageous is that neither the US government nor the US public was at all interested in the huge problems in Haiti prior to the earthquake.

    Haiti is only a two-hour flight from Miami. Yet, even before the earthquake, it was the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere: 80 percent of the population lived under the poverty line; 54 percent lived in abject poverty. It was, and is, essentially a third-world country.

    Conditions in Haiti were never a secret, it was just that only a few cared. For instance, the Center for Human Rights at Miami University conducted a study of Haiti in November 2004. The resulting report is not recommended reading for anyone with a weak stomach. It is freely available on the internet at http://www.law.miami.edu/cshr/CSHR_Report_02082005_v2.pdf

    Will the current interest in Haiti continue, or will it fade away after the media circus leaves town?

  46. 55 Jagjit Singh Mukandpuri
    January 22, 2010 at 04:05

    To rehablitate the victoms of a severe earth quake in Haity, all are doing best. Please no politics at such occasions. To error is human.

  47. January 22, 2010 at 06:42

    I note from North American that the news services constantly talk about the “world international effort” in helping Haiti. Rarely though does anyone identify the full spectrum of countries helping. The Russians are there with helicopters and medical teams just as they were during the Tsunami, strange but they are never mentioned, neither are the Italians, The Swiss etc… In a modern world could someone step to the plate and give us the entire picture rather than a jingoistic analysis based on an individual countries efforts?

  48. 57 clamdip
    January 22, 2010 at 06:56

    Rather than ripping children away from their homeland, culture and language couldn’t wealthier nations adopt 15,000 children apiece and build structurally sound schools and communities to house ,clothe and feed them in Haiti? Also making a commitment to offer free, room ,board and college /university education when they reach 17? If all the weathy nations, (not just big ones) did their part and let these children be the future ambassadors to their nation, these children could have a brilliant future. If everyone does their part and takes on a smaller portion of this situation the enormity of it all doesn’t seem so insurmountable. If the adopting nation tracks the children’s education and well being for the next 20 years or so, these children will become the next crop of doctors, lawyers, police and teachers. And God knows Haiti will need these children’s skills in the future.

  49. 58 scmehta
    January 22, 2010 at 07:51

    I feel very inspired and thankful; not angry about anything.

  50. 59 Kim Wilson
    January 22, 2010 at 12:25

    My heart breaks everytime I see or hear of the thousands of people,especially the children, trying to cope with this dreadful tragedy.It beggars belief that political and moralistic opinions can be voiced at this time. For Gods (and our own) sake, children are buried alive, scared hurt crying for their Mum,old people starving to death, amputations on babies done without anesthetic!! Please put aside your petty worries and do something concrete, even if it’s only to get back in touch with our humanity. There but for the grace of God etc.My prayers and good wishes for these desperate people,also admiration for their patience while we watch as they slowly die!Thank you to all those there helping,only wish I could do as much.God Bless you all.

  51. January 22, 2010 at 12:27

    just because those stressed out people in the streets look so depressed,it shouldnt stop them from dropping something for the beggars on those streets.its understandable that other countries have got problems,yet even so,they are still expected to show concerns for the most stricken who are in haiti.

    TV(tambua village/jebrock),HAMISI,VIHIGA,KENYA.

  52. January 22, 2010 at 12:32

    spanish,french and the US governments have got an obligation of ensuring that haitians are looked after…these are the nations which ferried blacks in the caribean and left them dangling there after all of them could not be adopted in the american continents mainland….if not,the US should make haiti under its protectorate like Alaska.

    TV(tambua village/jebrock),HAMISI,VIHIGA,KENYA.

  53. 62 Chilufya
    January 22, 2010 at 12:42

    I feel insignificant. Like there’s really nothing I can do to actually help anyone. The best I can do is pray it seems and keep hoping for miracles.

  54. 63 JanB
    January 22, 2010 at 14:30

    There is one country one Earth that could do more to help Haiti than the US, EU and China combined without it costing their taxpayers a dime: Switzerland.

    If Switzerland were to transfer the secret funds of Haitian (ex-)politicians and officials to Haiti there would be plenty for everyone!

  55. 64 Mark Doswell
    January 22, 2010 at 14:31

    On a recent BBC broadcast we heard that the persistent Chinese trade surplus creates an excess number of 20 & 40ft shipping containers accumulating in, mainly, the Western world.
    Since “Porta-Cabins” have been used as temporary accommodation on building sites for many years, why not use these surplus containers as temporary housing in Haiti?
    Some advantages would be:
    – They are cheap and immediately available
    – They are easy to ship!
    – You can live in one the moment it arrives, zero construction time.
    – Accessories to make them habitable are readily available
    – And above all for the Haitians, they would not collapse in the event of another earthquake

  56. 65 JO Ashley
    January 22, 2010 at 20:37

    What is happening to the donations that we have left with the aid organisations. More than a week on and The people in Haiti still have no food and water, nowhere to sleep and hardly any medical help. Where is our money going? Nothing is happening quickly enough, could this be because the Americans took over? They are useless, picture what happened when New Orleans flooded. I am so sad that I cannot do more to help, but trusted the trained staff of the aid organisations to do so. Please get on with it NOW!

  57. January 22, 2010 at 23:16

    i don’t know about the politics, i don’t know how it feels to be in haiti right now, i don’t know if being angry achieves anything, i don’t know how people can survive without looting, i don’t know if there would have been such a positive response to the haitian plight if it wasn’t for the media coverage.
    i do know that amongst others, carel pedre and yatalley on Twitter and Facebook are invaluable to Haiti and that everyone should read this blog from Jacmel


    i’m 8 days old… haiti’s 8 days old… we’re all 8 days old: we got a whole future to build. 6:16 PM Jan 20th from Tweetie ”

    please, please, please, do not forget Haiti, let us not close our eyes once the media moves on

    in reply to Mark Doswell,

    is a nice idea Mark, but it would be like living in an oven in Haiti and also, containers blow away when a hurricane strikes….

  58. January 22, 2010 at 23:47

    p.s. To follow Carel Pedre via twitter: @carelpedre

  59. 68 Julie
    January 23, 2010 at 05:24

    I have been following this since the day of the earthquake hit and my heart and soul goes out to the people of Haiti. I am just one person, but I truely think the people of America should do any and everything they can in this time of need, It is so many people and children that need help and the Hope for Haiti that was aired tonight was a good thing , but I feel from the heart that we American’s should pull the the US out of Iraq and have them help the people of Haiti. The people in Iraq is never gonna change, and with the US being over there is not gonna help and it is wasting the tax payers time and money. People may not agree with me and that is ok, but these Haitians need us more than anything. I think that they need more help with Doctors, Aid, troops, It is so many people in need of hope,food,and medical and they are not getting it like they should.

  60. January 23, 2010 at 12:02

    If the same commitment for mobilising for war could be matched to mobilising for humanitarian missions there would be no problems whatsoever.

  61. 70 spanishpete
    January 23, 2010 at 13:37

    I would love to see the “Celebs” flocking for more publicity on the disaster to get out their MONEY and give the amount this mob have could sort out the billion they seek!

  62. 71 Shadrack Nuer Machut
    January 23, 2010 at 13:49

    I am so sympathetic that, children should not be born without care-taking. Why should that small boy land nowhere and who gave him a flight?

    January 23, 2010 at 20:02

    It is bad what is happening in Haiti the jail broke open & prisioners are raping & killing, a schoolgirl was shot dead for looting, 2 people were pulled alive yesterday and now they call of the search!The good thing is that the rich & famous are getting together to raise much need money to help.

  64. 73 Michel Norman
    January 23, 2010 at 21:02

    Joseph Migliore – come on say what you really mean – Israel’s response has been completely disproportionate in its size and scale – and you know what We all agree with you

  65. January 25, 2010 at 23:50

    I have just been watching the news, and it baffles me how a 7 year old boy can have the brains and stamina to raise money for Haiti, but an ORGANISATION of grown men and women cant distribute a lorry full of food. The excuse being there were too many people waiting for food!!!! Have they not got the brains they were born with? of course there were too many (one or two would have been too many)!!!and WHY were the troops having a band practice? Music is the food of love not the food that feeds the belly.

  66. 75 Tom D Ford
    January 26, 2010 at 20:16

    @ Bert
    January 21, 2010 at 22:59

    “Actually, no, Tom. It was not “dominate the world,” but rather “exercise leadership.”

    Thanks for pointing out that The Project For The New American Century, the PNAC, has rewritten their original mission statement and taken out the phrase “dominate the world,” and replaced it with “exercise leadership” in their 2010 Google cached image. I find it interesting that they have a 2010 image when they shut down their website back sometime around 2006.

    When I first read it around 2002 the phrase “dominate the world” jumped out at me as an incredibly arrogant and bullying attitude towards the rest of the world. Frankly, I am glad that they have rewritten it to align more closely with the Obama administration idea of leading and cooperating with the rest of the world.

    But I am afraid that the damage to the US image around the world has already been done during the past eight years of Cheney/Bush/PNAC. It will take some years to rebuild our image from the lows it had descended to during Conservative Republicanism.

  67. 76 lhutch
    January 27, 2010 at 13:56

    It should be abundantly clear that any so-called resolution is only short-term and/or lacking. Human Beings (regardless of there origin) are incapable of fixing this problem or any other problem. Trust in God.

  68. 77 Sheryll
    January 31, 2010 at 10:02

    Your coverage tonight exactly fit my own outrage at the US lack of coordination in Haiti, at the holding back of needed supplies in order to wait (!?) for ‘security’ to be in place, though helpers seem to be not at all in danger and, if anything helpers create the surges of crowds which they are so much afraid of by holding back aid — for days — and in at least one case unconscionably cancelled a distribution even after a crowd had showed up, putting it off for another day! Brazilian soldiers reportedly tear-gassed a hungry crowd! Helpers have thrown out boxed or water from helicopters, infuriating the dignity of the people on the ground. By what experiences do helpers BEGIN by being AFRAID of hungry and harmed victims?!!!

    I have had Red Cross Disaster Training as a psychotherapist and educator and experience in the 1989 San Francisco Loma Prieta earthquake. Disaster professionals are a certain breed of person and have skills others don’t have. But we have heard of no experienced disaster coordinator put in charge in Haiti.

    I have exceedingly good organizational skills and disaster experience. I could have organized this chaos, got supplies out to nearby and outlying areas fairly and put as a priority making use of every single person at the airport ( we have heard of many of them sitting around, having meetings, and a band practicing on a nearby field) or sending them home.I would appoint a certain number of receiving places around the cities and be consistent in staffing and supying them daily. I would make sure each family gets enough food and water for several days, directions and transportation to medical sites and radion information about what to expect ( there is a radio station devoted to earthquake information). Why do we hear of such a lack of these priorities and an overarching, experienced perspective — in Haiti? After FEMA’s learning experience in New Orleans? Where is the institutional memory?! Why do we hear that Hilary Clinton ‘resents’ the well-deserved criticism and we don’t hear her giving answers?! This is, as your commentators expressed, all very disspiriting to hear and, for the Haitians, bordering on American disaster malpractice.

  69. February 8, 2010 at 17:02

    wow. I can’t believe this. It happened to the poorest country in the hemisphere. It’s so sad how many people are dead.

  70. February 9, 2010 at 16:45

    haiti is the poorest country in this universe and as a matter of fact i live in god forsaken country india and the uk official commented tht india will be a super power but let me tell you till the day of judgement india will be a rich country where poor people live a tragedy which the vulnerable never ever forgive the 1st and 2nd world countries.

  71. February 9, 2010 at 17:06

    when a major disaster occurs the feeling in the minds of vulnerable that why there are so many countries with their own laws and judiciary system why this earth is not one where everbody is equal.

  72. 81 justin
    February 28, 2010 at 19:02

    i am tired of haiti right now because at school we have to do all these projects about what happened to haiti in every single subject and people in america still needs help but every one is devoting their time to haiti but of course i am sad about what happened to haiti

  73. March 1, 2010 at 16:50

    let us talk about chile earthquake the news first said that it was 9.2 on richter scale than 8.2 and now the news say 8.8 the truth is always buried in 2001 earthquake in kachchh the magnitude was 8.1 and the indian bjp govi wih atal bajpayee as pm the pmo office said 6.9 because if they said above 7 than the govt had to declare national calamity which the bjp govt wanted to refrain the govt should have been sacked but in india today bjp is finished.

  74. March 9, 2010 at 14:04

    it is horrible bwt wat happend 2 haiti brap im sik

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